First Step First Step is literally the first step you're going to take into the now-open portal of the Faery Realm.
Journey to the Other Side Journey to the Other Side makes you craft the materials needed in order to open the gate to the Faery Realm.
Taking Flight Taking Flight allows you to use the faery wings given to you in order to find a somewhat hidden faery portal.
Raising Expectations Raising Expectations teaches you how to build a place for critters to dwell for a bit and drop items of theirs for you before disappearing.
Finding the Wisp Mother Finding the Wisp Mother is a quest to a new chapter, allowing you to speak with the faery who will grant you magical wings.
The Farmer The Farmer gives you a chance to plant your own, well, plants, at your farm with the use of a small planter box.
Bridge to Amber Island One of the biggest quests you'll get in the beginning of My Time at Portia is creating the bridge to Amber Island. Here's a breakdown of the craft.
Register Workshop You're on your way to having an official workshop, you just need to complete Register Workshop and you're done with the initial stages!
The Builder Test The Builder Test is the second mission you'll get from Presley in My Time at Portia. We've got the insight on what you need within.