Welcome to the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey guide and walkthrough for Megaris. This is not a straight-forward path to just one quest, but adds in a lot of the side missions as well as treasures I’ve found and obtained along the way.
- There will be main questlines, as well as side quests, and treasures.
- Most of the important items and NPCs are color-coordinated so they stand out.
- I played this game first via Hard Mode, but switched to Easy, because it seems the XP is the same no matter the difficulty.
What won’t you find in the Megaris Guide?
- Achievements.
- Abilities I’ve chosen–this is all on you, baby.
- Every single quest (some of them I skip because I automatically complete them before I get them).
- Screenshots of every single thing. C’mon now, look around.
- Locations of Orichalcum.
General tips for playing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
- Use Ikaros constantly to scout areas out and find treasures, especially before entering caves.
- Whistle to get someone’s attention, but don’t abuse it.
- Hide bodies in shrubbery.
- Create fire arrows by dropping your torch on the ground, then dipping your arrow in the flame.
- Phobos runs faster than you, but you climb better than a horse.
- Be on the lookout for Orichalcum, as it’s used to buy other interesting things.
Learning the Ropes
Barnabas needs his shipment to better his ship, and what better way to do so, than a one-on-one ship battle.
You can ram the side of the ship (especially if it has a weakened area), throw javelins, and shoot arrows. Once this ship is too low on health to do anything, you can board it to fight the enemies, or attack the ship directly and destroy it to obtain Barnabas’s Shipment.
Equal Employment Opportunity Program
There’s a small island up ahead where you’ll find a new crew member for the ship via Ikaros. You’ll learn how to knock out and recruit when you approach him. The guy probably won’t be sticking around long, though, as his stats aren’t very good for the ship.
Enemies are guarding a treasure on the island, so don’t forget to take them out.
Speak with Barnabas when you’re done.
A Pirate’s Life
Go to the Forgotten Isle to find a man on a battered ship.
There are treasures in a cave on the island (you won’t be able to do a lot here until later, so you can either grab the treasures, or wait). But there’s one specific area to watch out for.
When you enter, you’ll want to roll as the ground shakes so you can grab the Treasure without wasting time going through the underground passage. If you do fall, it won’t matter, you can grab the other Treasures, then get back out elsewhere and go back in.
After speaking to Tekton, your destination is on Pirate Island.
Go back to your own ship and go there.
Dispatch the group of enemies. Grab the Treasure and free the prisoner, then take him to a specific spot on the cliffside.
He won’t make it, and it doesn’t matter what choice you make when speaking to him.
Before you finish the quest, there are Treasures in an underwater cave. The entrance can be found where sharks are circling. Normally they don’t get the chance to attack you, but be careful.
One of the treasures is a Lion Figurehead for your ship.
Go to the ship and speak with Tekton. Tell him his brother didn’t make it and he’ll join your crew, otherwise he’ll call you out on being a liar.
A Journey Into War (start)
There are three ships you’re going to need to fight in order to get to Megaris.
Two of them are on the weaker side and can go down in a couple hits–if not one good ramming. The other is a bit sturdier, but can still be sunk quickly.
Before engaging, go into the ship section of your menu and upgrade some things (if you’re able to). Then burn them down.
Shoreline Bandit Camp
If you look on the map of Megaris, there’s a question mark on the end of the land. That’s where we’re going. There are several enemies and a Treasure. We’ll also be coming back to the water hole later.
Enemy Camp

Directly west from the Shoreline Bandit Camp is another camp where you’ll find enemies as well as a Treasure.
Enemy Camp

Send Ikaros out again to look for a group of enemies not too far from where you are now. It’s an unnamed area, but usually if there’s someone there to kill, you’ll finish a side mission without realizing there was one to begin with.
The Athenian Treasure Trove
Your objectives are in the image.
My advice is to just sneak around and isolate everyone. Set up a trap in the brazier, since it’s simple to get to undetected. Use the caged animals to your advantage. Take a high location and pick off the soldiers while they’re distracted. There are a lot of ropes to walk along to get from building to building.
Kill everyone you can. Burn everything you can.
The lower you get the Nation Power right now, the better off you’ll be later.
Enemy Camp
There’s a hole within the fort that you can jump into and opens up into a cave. Within you’ll find a few enemies as well as Treasure. (Unless it’s only tied to a specific side quest–either way, experience, I guess.)
A Journey Into War (end)
Make your way to Pagai.
When you cross the border into it, a cutscene will begin and you’ll be able to make some conversation choices with Stentor. You’ll get information on Nation Power, which we’re already a little ahead of the game. Plus, you’ll have completed The Athenian Treasure Trove.
The Missing Map
By doing this quest, you’ll be able to gain certain information on a mercenary that you wouldn’t know otherwise, but keep in mind you’ll need to ask the right question when the prompt comes up. So take the quest and then make your way to the designated area.
Send Ikaros out when close enough to pinpoint where the thief is.
Free him and have a conversation where you’ll choose:
- Why did you steal it?
This provides information on someone that is easily missed. After that, choose how you want to go about finishing the quest. There’s an ambush of enemies afterwards.
Portion Control (start)
Converse with Dolios and investigate the area.
- The dead soldier
- The cart
- Broken supplies
Speak with Dolios again, then use Ikaros to find what you’re looking for.
Farm of Tripodiskos
Now go over to the Farm of Tripodiskos, kill the enemies, then loot the Treasure at the side of the building, and a document on top called Hound Docked.
Grave of Tereus
This is a place that’s primarily for nabbing that single Treasure.
Portion Control (continuing)
Head over to the location Ikaros spotted–it’ll be an unnamed cave, though it’s very close to Grave of Tereus. Once inside, you’re greeted with a cutscene and a large group of people.
There’s a choice that comes up. If you choose to let them live, you’ll get some information on Hyrkanos that you wouldn’t get otherwise. Plus, you won’t feel so bad about letting innocents die, right?
Tomb of Alkathous
You’ll probably have noticed there are a lot of treasures beneath the ground at this point. Just pass the border wall into town, there’s a question mark that should lead you into the tomb. If it isn’t night already, change the day to night. This allows you to not get caught stealing, because nobody will be here.
You’ll want to smash through the boarded up section of the second room in order to descend into the tomb.
Prepare to use your torch as you make your way through this place. And don’t forget to watch out for snakes. They’re mean buggers.
Sanctuary of Athena
After exiting the tomb, directly overhead you’ll find the Sanctuary.
There’s a mercenary here–Hyrkanos the Cunning. If you happen to have the Sparta Kick ability, it’ll come in handy at this point, as the cliffs are a long way down. If you don’t, the battle might take a little bit, but it’s not too bad. Just know he’s fast.
Zeus Ephesos
Climb up some more cliffs to get to this area. One of the ancient tablets is sitting at the base of the naked statue man, pointing. There’s also a Treasure and someone in a cage you’ll need to free.
Leader House
Due to the Leader’s weakened state, this building will be primarily abandoned, aside from a handful of guards that can be taken care of. Once everyone’s dead, loot all the Treasures and burn all the War Supplies. The reason you’re coming here first to do all this is because you’ll be coming back later, and at that point there will be no enemies to worry about.
Temple of Apollo
Head over here for a Fast Travel point, and then we’ll start in on the next destination.
Port of Nisaia
Straight ahead with the docks and such. There are a couple of big bad brutes awaiting you in here, and while there are prisoners held in cages, I urge you to save them for last. If you free them early, they’ll run around through the area, getting in your way of combat. Very annoying.
I typically kill those on the border wall first, then make my way inside. Just make sure to spot everyone with Ikaros, because it’s easy for things to get nasty in here.
A Family Ordeal (start)
Speak with Odessa in the ramshackle farm and she’ll mention that she needs some medicinal herbs for her father. Along the stream by the broken boat is where you’ll need to gather said herbs. There are three different areas.
Make sure you watch for wolves.
Enemy Camp
Up ahead, you’ll probably notice an encampment of soldiers. While there are goodies and people to kill, it’s not a place that will net you a completion. So you can choose slaughter them or not.
A Family Ordeal (end)
Go to town and find the vendor that’ll give you the actual medicine. You’ll have choices to make, but it’s best to just pay the small amount of gold he asks. Otherwise, killing or stealing just places a bounty on your head.
Once you acquire the goods, head back to Odessa for an ambush.
Kill everyone and then speak with her.
The True Story

I don’t know why Odessa ran off like a few feet away, but speak with her again and get this quest.
Remember when we last went to the Leader House and killed everyone? Well, we’re going back there again, but this time, we won’t have anyone to deal with. Huzzah.
There are four clues in total, and once you get them all, make sure your character mentions that’s all you need. I must’ve picked them up out of order or something, because I had to run around a bit before I got the dialogue. Unless you get the dialogue on leaving the house.

In any case, back to Odessa to complete the quest.
Eirena Military Camp
Go to the closes question mark on the map where there’s a military camp. I teased the captain into coming out to get me in the bushes with an arrow to his face. However you choose to do it, there are supplies to burn, people to kill, and a person to save.
Battlefield Cave
Ready for a refreshing dip in and out of water?
Inside the cave, take the left path and you’ll get the Treasure as well as the document Happy Hour. There’s nothing in the right area (from what I’ve seen).
Ruined Temple of Apollo
Down from the cliffside there’s a ruined temple with a handful of enemies. I shot the dog just to get rid of it and went in for the kill. Grab everything necessary.
Portion Control (end)
It’s finally time to go back to Dolios, regarding the stolen supplies, and complete the quest.
Grave of Tereus
There’s a small altar nearby with some Treasure you can nab. There weren’t any enemies for me, aside from a wolf.
The Final Push (end)
Go back to Stentor, finally, in order to finish this quest up.
Also, try not to steal anything in sight of any of the guards. Half the forces will come after you. (Trust me, been there, killed them all). You’ll need to follow Stentor to the rendezvous point.
Now…are you ready for a battle on a grand scale?
Prepare to attack the Athenians then. You’ll want to kill the little peons when they’re available, but who you’re really looking for out on the battlefield are the Captains. Their deaths take a greater toll on their army’s bar and you’re going to want to deplete their blue bar before they deplete yours. Once you’ve won, you’ll get your meeting with the Wolf.
The Wolf of Sparta
Dear old Daddy is on top of the cliff, perfect for kicking him off, right?
Let’s not jump to conclusions here, though after speaking with him there are two choices to make. Will you kill him? Or will you spare him? It’s a choice that matters, because there’s both a good ending and a bad one. You should know which choice leads to which outcome.
It’s all on you.
Just know if you kill him Stentor will be pissed and there will be another battle between you and him this time.
Wolf Pack
There’s a Treasure being guarded by a pack of wolves in this area.
Pillar of Dionysos
If you kill a wolf nearby, they’ll come running to you, which is weird. I don’t know if they were coming after the wolf or what, but they’re an easy kill either way. Some passing soldiers might even help you.
Loot the Treasures, including the ostraka for Happy Hour.
At this point, just get close enough to the next question mark for the town name to appear. There’s nothing to do in Panormos otherwise.
Onwards to Phokis
While you’re heading back to the docks, you’ll want to check out one of the abandoned ships that a dog walks around on. You’ll complete one of the ostrakas here called Hound Docked. After that, just head straight to where your ship should be (even though you didn’t put it there) and speak with Barnabas.
Ostraka: Record Sunshine
Before going to Phokis to speak with Elpenor, head to the pool of water you saw at the beginning of the guide. Below, there’s an object that’ll complete the last ostraka you have.
There you have it. The Megaris guide is over.
Onto Phokis.