An Aspiring Merchant

It's always nice to help out your fellow merchants, because good things may come of it. As such, we've created a guide for An Aspiring Merchant.

Missing in Action

The first mission you get from speaking with Kurt is Missing in Action. Learn the tale of what happened to a young man as you follow our guide.

Heretic Hunt

Down with the heretics! Or, y'know, maybe you'd rather help them. Either way, here's how to best go about things in Heretic Hunt.

The Charlatan

There are a lot of options going on in what to do with The Charlatan, so we've helped compile the data for you to choose the best ones.

A Name for a Family

If you're intrigued to learn more about the scurvy man named Vasco, then A Name for a Family is the first mission of his for you to learn his past.