35 Games Released on October 1 2022Due to the Spooktober event on Itchio, there were plenty of visual novel game releases on October 1 2022.
Love Like FireLove Like Fire introduces you to another main character in Cyberpunk 2077--one that everyone loves.
Dave the DiverDave the Diver is a fun game about deep sea diving, running a sushi bar, and finding an ancient civilization.
The HeistThe Heist is the first big mission you're going to get and it's full of sadness and one of a kind weapons.
Cyberpunk 2077 – Keeping the Eddies in The PickupIf you're curious, there is a way to keep all those eddies from the Militech Shard that Stout gives you, and here's how.
Cyberpunk 2077 – How to Free Brick in The PickupIf you want to free Brick for a potential mission in the future, then this is how to do so in The Pickup.
The PickupThe Pickup is the mission where you'll retrieve the Flathead, whether by violence or negotiation.
The InformationLearn how to use the braindance mechanic in The Information--a mission with an appropriate name because you gather quite a bit of info.
The GiftIn The Gift, you'll be receiving a free daemon, courtesy of T-Bug. This guide shows you how to use it.
The RideIn The Ride, you'll need to settle in and get comfy for a long car ride that's filled with an equally long chat with Dex on your missions.