Yan from My Time at Sandrock Yan is the head honcho of the Commerce Guild despite his lazy nature. Here's how you win his favor.
First Day on the Job First Day on the Job pushes you to go to the Commerce Guild so you can get your first big-time job.
Becoming Official Becoming Official is where you wander over to City Hall and claim your workshop as your own by naming it.
The New Builder The New Builder is YOU, and it's your job to craft some things to prove that you know what you're doing around here.
Welcome to Sandrock! Welcome to Sandrock! starts off with you coming around to your new home by train and meeting a couple people along the way.
The Woodfolks The Woodfolks is where you visit Hunters' Camp and prove your worth by taking on at least one haunting case.
Marauder Armor in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Marauder Armor is one of the equipment sets for Red that you'll have to buy, and the price can fluctuate, depending.
Red’s Clothes in Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Red's Clothes is Red's starting equipment and this post is in regards to materials for upgrading and stats.
Abandoned Journal Abandoned Journal depicts the thoughts of those who would've searched for a new home, but missed their old.
Prudence’s Letter Prudence's Letter is her speaking to her sister Philippa that never received the message yet.