Hammer and Tongs is a haunting case within the game Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden.

Hammer and Tongs Guide

Investigate the haunting

Hammer and Tongs Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
Hammer and Tongs Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
Hammer and Tongs Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

Go to the blacksmith’s cabin.

  • Look at the nails on the table
  • Drillbit on a table within outside shelter
  • Empty tool table on opposite end
  • Check out the area on the floor

The drillbit will give you the first hint on one of the settlers.

Leave the left side and switch to Antea to look at some footprints–though you can also see the prints as Red. Leave them for now and go to the other side of the blacksmith cabin to speak to a woman.

After speaking with her, you get your first hint on Nellie Heayton.

Hammer and Tongs Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

Inside the cabin, on the left side of the bed there’s a Governor Haskell’s Letter to Fortune Heayton on the table. On the right side of the bed is Nellie Heayton’s Journal.

Check out the bed and do a harkening ritual.

Find Fortune

Hammer and Tongs Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

Now you can use Antea to check out the spectral footprints we saw earlier on the other side of the blacksmith’s shed.

At this point, all you have to do is follow the stained footprints, and they go on for quite a while before you reach another cabin out in the middle of nowhere. It’s being attacked by several wolves, so fight them off and you’ll get a cutscene.

Inspect the tools in the cabin

Enter the cabin and go right to the tools. You’ll get your first hint on the ghost in question, but there’s also something else missing from the tools.

Find the hammer

Hammer and Tongs Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
Hammer and Tongs Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
Hammer and Tongs Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

There’s a bar on the back door you can break.

Inspect the footprints with Antea, but before you follow them, you can take the path up to the right where you can perform a make-manifest ritual for a fight.

Continue following the stain until you come across multiple paths–the path to the right shows a blue flame, and beyond it is a shelter with a makeshift camp cache that’ll show you an area with what looks to be hidden treasure back in town.

Follow the stain once against and you’re met with wolves to fight. Moving on and eventually you’ll be able to look down into an area where the hammer lies.

Hammer and Tongs Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
Hammer and Tongs Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
Hammer and Tongs Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

Turn around and go right, then climb up the cliff in order to teleport to the other side. At that point, you’ll want to follow the path down.

When you reach the bottom, there’s a fight.

Inspect the hammer with Antea, then do a make-manifest ritual.

Uncover the ghost’s true identity

You just have to speak with him.

Return to the forge

Jump over the gap to the right of the ghost and in a cave on the right is a chest with Fuil Fhuar.

Climb up the cliff and continue until you see the second entrance to the shelter. To the right is a fight you can initiate before doing a make-manifest ritual.

Now head back to the shelter and fast travel to Hunters’ Camp.

Confront the impostor / Nellie

Go inside the blacksmith’s home and speak to Nellie to bring closure.

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