Stranglekelp is one of those herbs that people aren’t too fond of farming, due to it being underwater. That’s actually one of the reasons they can typically sell for a higher price on the auction house. I don’t mind farming it too much because my farming class is a druid, but if I mained any other class as a farmer, it’d probably annoy me.
If you’re looking for herbs for Inscription purposes, there are easier ones to acquire.
But this herb is good to make certain useful alchemical potions as well.
What are your PC specs?
- You can find them on my PC specs page.
What addons are used for farming Stranglekelp in WoW?
- The addon Routes.
- The addon FarmHUD.
- The addons Gathermate2 and WoWGatheringNodes.
Is this a Stranglekelp herbalism route for Classic WoW?
No. I play retail, not Classic World of Warcraft, so these routes might not be the ones for you to go by.
In case they aren’t, you might want to check out wow-professions, as they might have updated Herbalism routes for Classic. The differences between the maps are dependent on the lands shifting with every expansion. The Wetlands weren’t a plausible place for this herb way back in the day.
What professions benefit from Mining/Herbalism?
Obviously Herbalism is going to be your go-to profession first and foremost, because you can’t exactly pick flowers without said profession to begin with. Though you can still acquire herbs through other means–such as treasures out in the world and chests you pick up while fishing.
There are two different secondary professions you can choose from that coincide with Herbalism, as far as Stranglekelp goes.
- Alchemy
- Inscription
Funny enough, you can use Alchemy to make a potion worth using to farm more Stranglekelp, in case you don’t have a way to breathe underwater. But there are many other potions that this herb can create.
Inscription is a secondary profession for Herbalism because you mill a stack of five herbs in order to acquire inks. However, I don’t recommend you mill Stranglekelp, because it’s a pain to get a lot of, and it has more use in Alchemy or selling on the Auction House, depending on the prices.
What Mining/Herbalism routes aren’t mentioned?
There are some zones I haven’t quite tallied up the numbers for, so that’s why they aren’t mentioned below. I’ll get to them eventually on here, but the data will be placed on my In-Depth Farming guide first.
Dismissed Zones
- The Cape of Stranglethorn
The herbs are spaced out too much along the seashore for a decent route. - Wetlands
I did a farming route for this zone way back when and I think I didn’t prefer Wetlands because I had to make the route long and awkward on land in order to get the Stranglekelp in the water to respawn at a decent rate. It might’ve just been a sporadic amount of herbs acquired just to get the jump on this herb, and I wasn’t a fan.
Maps, Routes, and Data
Reduced resolution
The routes in this section offer you full view of the maps in question, at a reduced resolution of 1280×720. In order to get the full resolution of 2560×1440, you’ll need to purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide. It offers a variety of routes for each zone, with all the data I’ve accumulated over the years of farming.
- My farmer is a Horde druid, thus giving faster in-and-out flight form.
- Herbalism skill isn’t high enough? Then you’ll gather Stranglekelp Blade.
- Overall farming time per zone: 30 minutes.
Eastern Kingdoms
Two major zones in Eastern Kingdoms can give you plenty of Stranglekelp, on top of other herbs farmed in the process. (If you don’t farm the other herbs, the herb in question won’t respawn properly).
Western Plaguelands

This zone offers a variety of herbs and is a good second place in order to obtain the most amount of this herb. There may be phased areas in this zone, and the route does come close to a horde area.
- Stranglekelp – 92

This is an Alliance zone.
This zone isn’t exactly the best, because you have to gather a good amount of herbs on land and in the sea in order for the nodes to begin respawning again. By doing this you get a variety of herbs, but it can be annoying if the herbs in question haven’t respawned.
- Stranglekelp – 83
Kalimdor is home of the top place to herb Stranglethorn, and possibly one of the more annoying zones because of it. Nobody likes swimming around in water for long periods of time after all. We get all wrinkly.
Thousand Needles

Unless you have an underwater mount, or some means of traveling quickly through water, I wouldn’t advise this zone too much. But if you’re good to go with water, then this is the best place to not just this herb, but also a good chunk of Sungrass.
- Stranglekelp – 167
If you’re curious as to how much gold you can possibly gain from the items listed below, you can always check out The Undermine Journal, choose your region, and then your realm. After that, search for the items below and see what they’ve been selling for lately.
Elixir of Water Breathing
Skill: 90 | Usable | Learned via Profession Trainer
Perfect for when you need to be underwater for longer periods of time…such as with farming this herb.
- (1) Stranglekelp
- (2) Blackmouth Oil
- (1) Crystal Vial
Lesser Mana Potion
Skill: 120 | Usable | Learned via Profession Trainer
For the casters that need mana in order to keep blasting enemies or healing allies. A bit stronger of a boost than the minor one.
- (1) Mageroyal
- (1) Stranglekelp
- (1) Crystal Vial
Elixir of Defense
Skill: 130 | Usable | Learned via Profession Trainer
While it might increase your defense (which is nice for a tank), it’s also a reagent for the Gloves. Consider selling the elixir on the Auction House for those wishing to craft the gloves.
- (1) Wild Steelbloom
- (1) Stranglekelp
- (1) Crystal Vial

[content-egg-block template=price_comparison groups=”lamp”]
If you play a class that relies on mana to either bring down your foes or heal your allies, then it’s kind of necessary to pay attention to it, don’t you think? And this here is a cool potion lamp made by a creator over on Etsy that can actually change to a variety of different colors.
So red, blue, white, green–but for now, we’re sticking with blue, because, mana.
It’s perfect to sit somewhere next to your gaming setup, if you have the room for it.
Free Action Potion
Skill: 150 | Usable | Learned via vendor
Perfect for flag carriers in BGs. Not to mention when you’re battling NPCs that have stun mechanics. Consider keeping one on hand in dungeons for specific boss fights.
- (2) Blackmouth Oil
- (1) Stranglekelp
- (1) Crystal Vial
Mana Potion
Skill: 160 | Usable | Learned via Profession Trainer
Casters might find this most helpful in situations where you don’t get much of a break between battles to replenish your mana. So situations like dungeons and battlegrounds.
- (1) Stranglekelp
- (1) Kingsblood
- (1) Crystal Vial
Elixir of Agility
Skill: 185 | Usable | Learned via Profession Trainer
Agility is great for rogues, enhancement shamans, and feral druids.
- (1) Stranglekelp
- (1) Goldthorn
- (1) Crystal Vial

[content-egg-block template=price_comparison groups=”mana”]
Here comes Kool-Aid Man, no longer full of that lifeblood of health, but rather mana, because he’s bringing the health to you!
I guess we no longer have to guess which spec he is in dungeon runs. This shirt is actually super cute–I kind of which he was breaking through some kind of wall to get to someone, but then again maybe not, because that would also break the charm.
Nature Protection Potion
Skill: 190 | Usable | Learned via vendors
Good for PvP in regards to certain classes, but don’t forget some of the bosses in a variety of dungeons as well.
- (1) Liferoot
- (1) Stranglekelp
- (1) Crystal Vial
Dusky Pigment
Created by milling Mageroyal, Briarthorn, Swiftthistle, Bruiseweed, or Stranglekelp.
- Stacks of five of the herbs mentioned above.
Verdant Pigment
Created by milling Mageroyal, Briarthorn, Swiftthistle, Bruiseweed, or Stranglekelp.
- Stacks of five of the herbs mentioned above.