Wild Steelbloom isn’t very abundant in a lot of zones, and it doesn’t serve much of a purpose aside from creating a variety of elixirs–and even those aren’t that greatly desired these days. Needless to say, it’s not widely searched for, since there are other better herbs. However, for those who might be searching for it, it could make a decent selling herb on the Auction House.
If nothing else, you can farm the routes below for other possible herbs, or just fly the routes for some downtime. I never did have much fun farming this herb, but there’s always a chance of running into several rares.
At least they tend to have a valuable drop for you–meaning transmog equipment, if you’re lucky.
What are your PC specs?
- You can find them on my PC specs page.
What addons are used for farming Wild Steelbloom in WoW?
- The addon Routes.
- The addon FarmHUD.
- The addons Gathermate2 and WoWGatheringNodes.
Is this a Wild Steelbloom mining/herbalism route for Classic WoW?
No. I play retail, not Classic World of Warcraft, so these routes might not be the ones for you to go by.
In case they aren’t, you might want to check out wow-professions, as they might have updated Herbalism routes for Classic. The differences between the maps are dependent on the lands shifting with every expansion.
What professions benefit from Herbalism?
Obviously Herbalism is going to be your go-to profession first and foremost, because you can’t exactly pick flowers without said profession to begin with. I can’t really remember getting this herb in chests opened up in the world, or from fishing, but I suppose it’s possible.
It’s not a viable way of gathering, of course.
There are two different secondary professions you can choose from that coincide with Herbalism, as far as Wild Steelbloom goes.
- Alchemy
- Inscription
Alchemy provides you with a variety of potions, mainly to help your stats, but also as a nifty invisibility potion.
Inscription allows you to mill stacks of five herbs into pigments. It’s a bit iffy on milling this particular herb, because you really don’t get a lot of it in a specific amount of farming time. It’s not in abundance in a whole lot of zones.
What Mining/Herbalism routes aren’t mentioned?
The zones mentioned below are ones that I tested some time ago and weren’t up to snuff. Now, some of these zones can get you a fair chunk of the herb if you’ve got a herb/mining combo going on, but that information can only be found in my In-Depth Farming Guide.
Dismissed Zones
- Arathi Highlands
It’s odd to dismiss Arathi Highlands, considering it has the most herb nodes of the zones mentioned on this page, but while there may look like a lot to gain from the zone, there’s really not. If you follow the path of the nodes in question, you won’t get enough herbs for them to respawn properly. - Desolace
The route gives a variety of herbs, but the route itself in regards to amassing Wild Steelbloom just isn’t worth the effort for this one herb. - Wetlands
I mean, there’s not a lot of the nodes in the zone, so farming the route for this herb wouldn’t be worth it.
Maps, Routes, and Data
Reduced resolution
The routes in this section offer you full view of the maps in question, at a reduced resolution of 1280×720. In order to get the full resolution of 2560×1440, you’ll need to purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide. It offers a variety of routes for each zone, with all the data I’ve accumulated over the years of farming.
- My farmer is a Horde druid, thus giving faster in-and-out flight form.
- Herbalism skill isn’t high enough? Then you’ll gather Petals.
- Overall farming time per zone: 30 minutes.
Eastern Kingdoms
There’s only one zone worth farming this herb in the Eastern Kingdoms, and it’s a surprisingly short route. Although, even though a short route might be nice, it sure does have its downfalls…
Northern Stranglethorn

This zone is such a hassle for farming in because of all the trees. Aside from that disgruntling negative tick, this zone is really good for several herbs, and this short route only takes up half the zone with netting you a good chunk of the herb you need.
- Wild Steelbloom – 87
You get a couple more zones in this section of the world–one that net me the least amount of the herb and one that got me the most. It’s all RNG though, and either way, there’s never a really huge difference.

I was kind of iffy on farming here. It isn’t terrible for the amount of of herbs gathered, but it’s on the low end. You get a variety of herbs, so there’s no herb that has a major number to it once you’ve done acquiring everything.
- Wild Steelbloom – 98
Stonetalon Mountains

Here’s one of the best zones to gather this herb, and a variety of others. If you are hunting for this herb, for whatever reason, this zone is good because it’ll give you other herbs you may also need. It does go over an Alliance area, however.
- Wild Steelbloom – 104
If you’re curious as to how much gold you can possibly gain from the items listed below, you can always check out The Undermine Journal, choose your region, and then your realm. After that, search for the items below and see what they’ve been selling for lately.
Elixir of Defense
Skill: 130 | Usable | Learned via Profession Trainer
While it might increase your defense (which is nice for a tank), it’s also a reagent for the Gloves. Consider selling the elixir on the Auction House for those wishing to craft the gloves.
- (1) Wild Steelbloom
- (1) Stranglekelp
- (1) Crystal Vial
Elixir of Lesser Agility
Skill: 140 | Usable | Learned via World Drop
Agility is great for rogues, enhancement shamans, and feral druids, but consider saving this elixir to further craft other equipment in Leatherworking.
- (1) Wild Steelbloom
- (1) Swiftthistle
- (1) Crystal Vial
Lesser Invisibility Potion
Skill: 165 | Usable | Learned via Profession Trainer
It might seem like a cool thing to use in BGs, but this potion can also be used to craft Blade.
- (1) Fadeleaf
- (1) Wild Steelbloom
- (1) Crystal Vial
Elixir of Fortitude
Skill: 175 | Usable | Learned via Profession Trainer
Not everyone has a buff that can give themselves more health. As such, this is a nice elixir to use for all types of gameplay.
- (1) Wild Steelbloom
- (1) Goldthorn
- (1) Crystal Vial
Elixir of Greater Defense
Skill: 195 | Usable | Learned via Profession Trainer
Amp up your defense if you’re going into battle in a BG, or if you happen to be a tank in a dungeon. It’ll probably help the healer keep up with your health.
- (1) Wild Steelbloom
- (1) Goldthorn
- (1) Crystal Vial
Wild Steelbloom isn’t the worst herb choice for milling into pigments, though there are other herbs you can find a lot more of, worth milling. Keep in mind the Steelbloom can be crafted into potions via an alchemist that can then craft equipment. That makes it a bit more vital for other things.
Golden Pigment
Created by milling Wild Steelbloom, Grave Moss, Kingsblood, or Liferoot.
- Stacks of five of the herbs mentioned above.
Burnt Pigment
Created by milling Wild Steelbloom, Grave Moss, Kingsblood, or Liferoot.
- Stacks of five of the herbs mentioned above.