Looking Up I See Only A Ceiling ★★★☆☆Looking Up I See Only A Ceiling, well, at least by the final playthrough.
Alone in the Dark Prologue ★★★★★Alone in the Dark Prologue is quite a unique but short playthrough with some frighteningly interesting creatures.
We Happy FewFind our thoughts on the psychological trip of We Happy Few where we're unsure whether we should live a lie in Joy or live a Downer truth.
Last LightLast Light is a cute yet quite disturbing game revolving around a game created by bullies in an abandoned hospital of ghosts.
Among the SleepAmong the Sleep takes you into the viewpoint of a young child who navigates a world of threatening shapes to look for some kind of comfort.
ClaireClaire is a psychological horror game set in a hospital (surprise, surprise) and starts the moment you go in search for some coffee.
Gray DawnGray Dawn isn't the horror game you'd expect it to be. Instead, it delves into religion and internal demons as a walking simulator.
Bear With MeBear With Me has so many references to different things, like books and movies or big-time franchises, but it's cuddly with a tragic end.
Re:Turn – One Way TripAll aboard Re:Turn - One Way Trip--that is, if you're up for a psychological horror game that tests your love of trains and ghosts and friendships.