Among the Sleep, can I get a different present, Mom?
Seriously, that bear is just…no. It’s not cute. It’s not acceptable.
Also, it talks. That’s cause for concern.
That teddy itself is one of the reasons why I held off on playing this game for a while. I mean, it looked good, but given that the tags included not only horror, but also survival horror and psychological horror made me set it aside. Having played it…I wouldn’t say it’s horror as a whole, and I’d cross out that survival aspect. Pretty sure when you’re caught, you don’t die.
At least, I hope not. You are a child, after all.
- Developed by Krillbite Studio
- Published by Krillbite Studio

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Who is this game for?
- Achievement hunters
- Collectors of collectibles
- Indie game supporters
- Psychological seekers
- Short-on-time gamers
- Silent protagonist
- Story-driven gamers
When did my interest get piqued?
When I knew that cake Mom wanted to feed me was a lie.
Does Among the Sleep’s ending explain everything?
It certainly gives you a whole lot about our life and the living environment of at least one of our parents.
Explanation to Negative Feedback
A bit short
With being around the 4-hour mark, the game is on the shorter side, and it is somewhat of a slow pace, so I can see how some people could think or it as boring with nothing much to do but…progress, I guess. Or throw a tantrum and make a mess of different rooms.
Why’s the bear so creepy?
Seriously. I touch base on this a lot in a bit, but…I understand how a lot of household items can be frightening to a child, but the teddy bear–the one thing who’s actually helping us and guiding us and who we’re going to hug and squeeze…is downright terrifying. He’s staring into our souls with those little black beady eyes of his and I don’t appreciate it.
Explanation to Positive Feedback
Very atmospheric
The environment and sound design is on point with a blend of horror taking the form of everyday items. I mean, when you’re a child, everything is big and scary, and without making a huge deal of things capable of giving us a fright…things would still give you a bit of a fright with the right lighting, angles, and movement.
You also get a feel for the eerieness with every location you’re in–an empty playground, in the forest, (which could possibly just be the backyard?), the house during a storm, and other locations that kind of make you wonder where you were.
Well-done storyline
As you progress to the end of the game, things definitely click together, and the ending itself is very well done. It’s open-ended, so you can toss around ideas for the who, what, and whys with other people who’ve played it.
Links Worth Checking Out
Nothing here yet.
10 achievements
Among the Sleep is a first person horror adventure, in which you play a two year old child. After waking up in the middle of the night to mysterious sounds, you start exploring the dark looking for comfort.
Game Length
Around 4 hours.
Replay Value
None unless you missed achievements.
Among the Sleep Review
I know this game is psychological, but why did they make our teddy bear so damn creepy looking? The entire time playing Among the Sleep, I thought the teddy was going to try something, or he might be the villain. Lo and behold I was wrong, but…he’s still a creepy looking teddy.
If I could’ve left him in that washer, I would’ve.
I knew this game was going to have an eerie vibe, because anytime you’re in the viewpoint of a young child, or even dealing with a baby in general in a game, it’s almost always going to be a bad time one way or another. And with this game, the bad time is regarding the relationship between us and our mom, and being unable to see things with an adult’s eye.
So a drunk mommy will look like a wild-haired woman stumbling around, ready to capture and scold you.
And the playground?
I hate playgrounds in any kind of horror games. In fact, thanks to Are You Afraid of the Dark, I just downright hate any kind of playground that’s empty of people–day or night.
Despite the creepy vibe, this was a pretty good game. Especially if you like making a wreck of a house, because you’re able to pick up things and toss them. And nobody hears plates being thrown on the ground in the kitchen. Trust me, I did a test. With all the dishes I could find.
There aren’t any chase scenes, but there are areas where you want to avoid making noise, and to avoid a certain meandering parental figure. If you grab their attention, there will be a chase scene, and you’ll likely be caught.
You are a toddler, after all.
The ending is kind of up to interpretation on your end, as many people have many theories on what exactly went down in the final cinematic.