Last Light, karma had the worst kind of penance for us.
Not being a huge fan of horror games, this one called to me due to its cute style of artwork and the psychological aspect behind it. Can’t say I was a huge fan of the main antagonist that chased us throughout the halls, the whole time giggling like she was chock full of serotonin, but that aggravation aside…I’m happy I tried it out.
It showed me how much of a coward I am, and needs many more lockers.
- Developed by Team Corn Field
- Published by CREST

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There is no supporter’s playthrough of Last Light, but if you’re looking for a supporter’s section, our no-censored NSFW videos are available over on our Podia courses.
Who is this game for?
Explanation to Negative Feedback
Becomes monotonous
So the game is fun to play for a little while, but then it just becomes the same kind of running around and hiding and getting lost in the hospital halls that it becomes tiresome. The aesthetic is much the same on every floor–with some differences in objects and layout and design, of course–but…there wasn’t really a pull to finish the game after a while.
Migraine-inducing monster
So the main enemy that can never seem to stop giggling has this mechanic where, if she notices you go into a locker, or just knows you’re in there anyway, you’ll get a small cutscene of her basically shaking the locker you’re in with intense sound and flashing lights. It’s one of the things I absolutely hated with this game, as someone who has chronic migraines.
Every time, I’d have to turn away from the screen and keep my audio on the lower end.
Explanation to Positive Feedback
Cute, yet morbid, art style
As soon as I started the game and saw the adorable main character, I knew I’d love the game artistically speaking. There are a lot of well-done pieces of sketched artwork in the game that you witness as memories, as well as pages that you’ll pick up. Every person is basically chibified.
Interesting characters
Not so much the bullies you’ve had to deal with–and are dealing with now–though they each have their own nasty personalities. But you’ll also find a variety of patients of the hospital that send you on some sort of quest for odds and ends that they want.
Storyline of feels
You definitely have feelings for different characters. The main one you play as is a sad one that ends with a grimace, because on one hand you understand the end result of everything they had to go through, but on the other hand…the situation their in is one they’ve done to themselves, in a way.
And of course the bullies…are just asshole kids that are too young to have pierced ears, okay? But did they get what they deserved? Is their sympathy for them?
That’s for you to decide.
Links Worth Checking Out
- None as of yet
54 achievements
En route to a scare game, Lumi realizes that she is suddenly alone. Then, appears the old abandoned hospital… Explore throughout the tragedy-stricken hospital. Search for the student IDs of Lumi’s classmates. And find out what really happened. Maybe all you need is the courage to “flee?”
Game Length
Some people would say around the 2-hour mark. More for me because I was a coward and hid from things a lot.
Replay Value
Not much of one.
Unfortunately this type of adventure isn’t the type that most people want to be tasked with, but the adventure is going through this abandoned hospital and finding all the IDs of a group of students as a little “game” they’re playing.
The mystery comes from the different sketches you find around the hospital and what they mean. And maybe the whole mysterious one-eyed cat that talks to us from time to time.
You can’t really say that doors banging on their own, bloody handprints slapping themselves on the floor around you, and ghosts lurking the halls are you average everyday horror run-ins, so a lot of it is put down the mind–especially regarding the story as a whole (which you’ll understand once you get to the end of the game…or earlier).
Last Light Review
This is a game that I both hated and enjoyed playing, and it’s really hard to write it off as a positively played game overall. Looking at the title does not make me want to play it again, as most of the good, fun moments are overshadowed by the negative aspects.
First off, it’s cool that there’s some kind of a haunt that can give chase and you must run away and hide from, but who in the hell thought it would be a good idea to have her bang around on the locker for about ten seconds in a clash of metal, giggles, and the electric light orchestra as a whole.
I’ve never gotten a headache faster than the one I got when I started playing Last Light.
And it’s entirely because of those cutscenes that I had to turn away from, turn the headset down, or just close my eyes altogether. They were horrid to go through, and there were a lot of them. In hindsight, it might’ve been better to just let the enemy kill me than suffer through those moments I shove myself into a locker and deal with that crap.
I didn’t mind Moaning Myrtle all the much, as all she did was wander the halls and sob, chase you if she saw you, then end the chase altogether when you went into the locker.
But not Miss Gigglebox. She was out to destroy me.
That was my main grudge with Last Light.
Other than that, some of the mechanics to help out with the hallway haunts were candles you could light and place on the floor, in order to reveal them when they walked in the vicinity of the light, as well as salt, which you could place on the ground to make them slower.
I didn’t think the salt mechanic really helped in the end. It seemed pointless to me when they walked over it as their speed wasn’t exactly reduced all that much. Unless you create a hallway of salt, then that might help you put more distance between them and you.
As far as running, there’s some kind of slippery momentum to it. And sometimes an enemy can spawn in front of you which…sucks.
But the characters (aside from the bullies) were great. The artwork was amazing. You definitely get worked up over the main character being bullied so much, and that ending…well.
Oof. I liked it. But oof.