Northern Barrens is a horde zone meant for players level 10-60, founded in Classic World of Warcraft. It’s the only zone you’re able to farm Deviate Fish and the battle pet Leaping Hatchling.
Everything you find below is up to date for patch 8.3.
[lwptoc skipHeadingLevel=”h1,h3,h4,h5,h6″]
- Darkspear Trolls
- Horde
- Orgrimmar
- Ratchet
[content-egg-block template=offers_list]
Farming Routes Completed!
This zone has a total of 8 routes I created for a variety of farmers out there. It doesn’t matter if you’re a low level looking for treasures and rares as you quest, or finally got a flying mount and need to find the best route to take for the maximum amount of leather, ore, and herbs.
All of these routes and all the data gathered from them are in my In-Depth Farming Guide.
Battle Pets [3-4]
Aquatic | Beast
Michaels sells an adorable frog charm that’s green and sparkly and perfect for swaying on a keychain. | What’s better than a cheetah cub in a game? A cheetah cub statue from Walmart to keep around the garden or in your own home. |
Critter | Humanoid |
Aside from books, Christianbooks has these prairie dog finger puppets to amuse young children. | While she’s no youngling, Bonanza has a harpy lady (not from Yu-Gi-Oh) who looks about to take flight. |
Below are the types of treasure chests that I’ve found in Northern Barrens. You won’t be able to find a chest in every single location they appear in, and they are on a timer if someone happens to take the specific chests in the zone before you.
There are two chests you might find in the outer part of Wailing Cavern–that is, not in the actual instance.
Herb/Mining Combo
Technically, I could create routes for both mining and herbalism separately, however the nodes for these two types of gatherables are spaced far out for the to be very lucrative. Instead, I created a shorter route for those who have both the herbalism and mining skill.
This route and the information that comes with it can only be seen in my In-Depth Farming Guide for World of Warcraft.
There’s not much of a route to take when it comes to fishing in schools in Northern Barrens, but it’s the only location where you’ll find Deviate Fish. With that being said, each time I’ve gone fishing in this zone, there’s been at least one other person fishing in one of the pools.
This route was not timed.
Aside from the route above, I went ahead and fished in two separate locations to provide data, in case you didn’t want to go around fishing in schools.
Location: 37,45
Timed: 30:00
- Deviate Fish – 40
- Raw Brilliant Smallfish – 16
- Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish – 18
- Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper – 54
- Deviate Scale – 2
Location: 49,46
Timed: 30:00
- Raw Brilliant Smallfish – 18
- Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish – 32
- Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper – 65
There’s an easier route, I’m sure, that doesn’t involve going all the way around the zone and killing all the beasts to skin that are in your way. You’ll know of the bigger places that can get you some good skinning mats when you come across them, but basically, I just killed anything around the specific points, as well as those along the way.
Keep in mind I skinned on a higher level, which is why there are some higher level leather involved with the data.
Class: Demon Hunter
Timed: N/A
- Deviate Scale – 12
- Exotic Leather – 57
- Light Hide – 13
- Light Leather – 259
- Medium Hide – 2
- Medium Leather – 17
- Perfect Deviate Scale – 4
- Ruined Leather Scraps – 77
Links regarding the types of beasts you can tame will take you to the Petopia page regarding their species. Petopia gives you a whole lot of information revolving around hunter pets, so if you’re a hunter, go check the site out.
There are two different caves you’re going in addition to the outer world farming of cloth, but I only timed one of those caves on the east side. Keep in mind some places are quest-heavy, so there may be others simply doing their quests.
Class: Druid
Timed: 10 minutes within cave at eastern shore only (quillboars).
- Linen Cloth – 298
- Wool Cloth – 113
- Silk Cloth – 5
Well if you’re looking for some Raptor Eggs in order to get some cooking done, then here’s a god zone for that. In regards to other meaty goods, I really didn’t get a ton of specific mats going through this full route.
Class: Druid
Timed: N/A
- Crocolisk Meat – 8
- Raptor Egg – 43
- Strider Meat – 22
- Small Barnacled Clam – 16
- Small Egg – 3
These vendors sell special goods, meaning they’re limited supply. If someone buys one of these first, there’s a timer on when they’ll be back in stock. In no way does the list below show every vendor located in this zone.
Section 1
| Section 2
In this Northern Barrens goldmaking section, I’ll be listing items I acquired as I leveled throughout the zone. While I don’t focus on the special vendor items you could obtain within the zone, there is a chance for them to fall from open world mob drops.
More specifically, you’re able to buy healing potions and such from vendors, but they’re also mob drops, therefore they’ll be in the goldmaking listing below.