Hellfire Peninsula is a contested zone, meant for players level 10-30 in Retail WoW and founded in The Burning Crusade expansion of World of Warcraft.
I was afraid of this zone, not only because it was part of the whole Burning Legion ordeal, but because the dungeons were a bit rougher–hello mind control totems, can we not do this again?–and you also have the Fel Reaver wandering around the zone who could ultimately step on you and kill you. So if you heard his call in the distance and felt the ground shake…you ran.
Everything you find below is up to date for patch 9.2, and focuses on Retail WoW data.
- Honor Hold
- The Blood Furnace
- Hellfire Ramparts
- The Shattered Halls
- Magtheridon’s Lair
Archaeology Finds
There’s a possibility of finding Archaeology dig-sites listed below in this zone, but that doesn’t mean they’ll always be here. It’s just something that’s good to know in case you plan on working with this profession.
- Draenei
- Orc
Battle Pets [17-18]
Below are the types of treasure chests that I’ve found in Hellfire Peninsula. You won’t be able to find a chest in every single location they appear in, and they are on a timer if someone happens to take the specific chests in the zone before you.
- Heavy Fel Iron Chest
- Silverbound Treasure Chest

I’ve farmed for Fel Iron Ore in this zone so much that I’m just sick of it. There are a few ups and downs over cliffs and whatnot, and that might be from where some of my frustration also comes from. Even as a druid, it sucks to drop out of flight mode just to fall over the side of a cliff and hop back into flight, and I can’t imagine how much more frustrating it is to those with flying mounts.
- Fel Iron Ore – 193
- Eternium Ore – 5
- Mote of Earth – 29
- Mote of Fire – 33
- Azure Moonstone – 1
- Deep Peridot – 1
- Golden Draenite – 1
- Living Ruby – 1
These vendors sell special goods, meaning they’re limited supply. If someone buys one of these first, there’s a timer on when they’ll be back in stock. In no way does the list below show every vendor located in this zone.
These vendors may also sell certain recipes or patterns worth obtaining.
Floyd Pinkus and Caregiver
- Enchanter’s Satchel (1)
- Gem Pouch (1)
- Heavy Toolbox (1)
- Mining Sack (1)
Johan Barnes and Felannia
Logistics Officer and Quartermaster
All the items below are BoP, so don’t expect to be able to grab and sell them later.
- Design: Regal Deep Peridot
- Formula: Enchant Bracer – Superior Healing
- Formula: Enchant Chest – Exceptional Stats
- Formula: Enchant Cloak – Subtlety
- Pattern: Cobrahide Leg Armor
- Pattern: Felstalker Belt
- Pattern: Felstalker Bracers
- Pattern: Felstalker Breastplate
- Pattern: Nethercobra Leg Armor
- Plans: Felsteel Shield Spikee
- Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility
- Recipe: Transmute Skyfire Diamond
In this Hellfire Peninsula goldmaking section, I’ll be listing items I acquired as I leveled throughout the zone. While I don’t focus on the special vendor items you could obtain within the zone, there is a chance for them to fall from open world mob drops.
More specifically, you’re able to buy healing potions and such from vendors, but they’re also mob drops, therefore they’ll be in the goldmaking listing below.
- Arachnid Dagger
- Combustion Dagger
- Frenzied Staff
- Karaborian Battle Axe
- Ravager Claws
- Revitalizing Hammer
- Sha’tari Longspear
- Shekketh Talons
- Buzzard Bites
- Clefthoof Ribs
- Helboar Bacon
- Hellfire Spineleaf
- Peon Sleep Potion
- Purified Draenic Water
- Ravager Egg Omelet
- Runic Healing Potion
- Runic Mana Potion
- Sporeggar Mushroom
- Recipe: Buzzard Bites
- Azure Moonstone
- Buzzard Meat
- Eternium Ore
- Fel Iron Ore
- Fel Scale Fragment
- Knothide Leather Scraps
- Light Feather
- Mote of Earth
- Mote of Fire
- Mote of Shadow
- Netherweave Cloth
- Patch of Crystal Infused Leather
- Ravager Flesh
- Runecloth
- Ez-Thro Dynamite II
- Patch of Crystal Infused Leather
- Scroll of Intellect VII
- Scroll of Protection VII
- Scroll of Stamina VII
- Scroll of Versatility VII
- Thorium Lockbox
- Ango’rosh Legguards
- Bloodscale Sabatons
- Bogslayer Legplates
- Dementia Gloves
- Demon-Forged Chestguard
- Demonweave Raiment
- Dreamseeker Dandelion
- Fenclaw Mantle
- Fireheart Girdle
- Fireheart Gloves
- Haal’eshi Hat
- Haal’eshi Leggings
- Hiddenite Necklace
- Laughing Skull Cap
- Legion Crown
- Netherstalker Armor
- Netherstalker Gloves
- Northman’s Shield
- Outlander’s Girdle
- Starfire Sandals
- Starfire Trousers
- Starfire Wristwraps
- Tourmaline Loop
- Vengeance Chestpiece
- Vindicator Tunic