Crooner Tuner Achievement in Bendy and the Ink Machine
Going through the hall from starting area
Crooner Tuner Achievement in Bendy and the Ink Machine
Going through hall from Ink Machine area
Crooner Tuner Achievement in Bendy and the Ink Machine
The radio is there, below the music note.

After you’ve placed the two Dry Cells in the Ink Machine area and turned on the generator, go back through the hallway toward the entrance to open the door on the right (the light will have clicked off).

Alternatively, if you’re at the starting section of the game, the door will be on the left of the main hall to the Ink Machine section, as seen by the sign in the distance.

Upon opening the door, you’ll see a radio sitting on a desk. Interact with it for the achievement Crooner Tuner. Bear in mind you’ll come in here at some point for the record on the ground beneath the desk. Also, if you’re past this chapter, then no worries. You can replay the chapter if you need to and it’s an achievement you can get relatively quickly.