Man this takes me back to when I would get excited when I found a node. I’d spend hours on the hunt for just this one rare ore, and rare it is.
There would be so much competition back then for this ore–and half the time it wasn’t to sell to people on the AH, but to level up Engineering or Blacksmithing or even Jewelcrafting (I guess?). The race to find it, the urge to get that Adamantite/Fel Iron ore before that person who’s flying neck-and-neck with you.
Nostalgia only miners will know of.
What are your PC specs?
- You can find them on my PC specs page.
What addons are used for farming Khorium Ore in WoW?
- The addon Routes.
- The addon FarmHUD.
- The addons Gathermate2 and WoWGatheringNodes.
What professions benefit from Mining?
- Mining
First off, Mining, because you can’t exactly mine without said profession to begin with. Though you can still possibly acquire ore through other means–such as treasures and chests you pick up while fishing.
Mining, of course, also allows you to smelt the ore you have into bars–beneficial in other crafting professions.
What Mining routes aren’t mentioned?
So, Khorium Ore is a rare node that can spawn anywhere an Adamantite node can be found, I believe, which means any zone with one of those is a zone a Khorium node can be gathered. Therefore, the reason these zones are listed here are personal reasons. You might find them worthwhile.
- Isle of Quel’Danas
This zone doesn’t allow you to have flight, so you’ll gather the mining nodes on a ground mount instead. Technically, this is a good zone to farm Khorium, and the route is simple enough, though I prefer to not mention it here. Many players will come here for Khorium specifically. - Nagrand
I’ve got two routes for this zone. One of them is shown below, but my other route that encompasses the full zone can only be found on my In-Depth Farming Guide. - Shadowmoon Valley
After 30 minutes of farming this zone, I didn’t get a single Khorium Ore, so it’s been booted off the list. You might have more luck.
What else can you get from farming Khorium Ore?
You have a chance of gathering Mote of Earth, Mote of Fire, Eternium Ore, and TBC gems.
Maps, Routes, and Data
Reduced resolution
The routes in this section offer you full view of the maps in question, at a reduced resolution of 1280×720. In order to get the full resolution of 2560×1440, you’ll need to purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide. It offers a variety of routes for each zone, with all the data I’ve accumulated over the years of farming.
- My miner is a Horde druid, thus giving faster in-and-out flight form.
- If your mining skill isn’t high enough, you’ll be gathering Khorium Ore Nugget.
- Overall farming time per zone: 30 minutes.
This is the only continent where you’ll be able to find any Khorium Ore, as such, there are few zones to traverse in order to find said ore, and they are closer together than Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms. Keep in mind this is a rare ore, and as such, you’ll need to mine every node you find in order for it to have a better chance of popping up for you.
To recap: If you’re not finding Khorium, mine more nodes.
Blade’s Edge Mountains

This is a last priority route, but I wanted to throw it in and try it in case it gave more Khorium, since it’s a super short route. I net quite a decent chunk of Khorium, but make sure you dive into every cave you can and mine every node for a higher chance of these nodes to respawn.
- Khorium Ore – 8
Nagrand (Route 2)

This is the shorter route I created for Nagrand (Outland), and it’s a lot easier to navigate as it sticks to a smaller portion, but you’re going to need to delve into the caves that you come across. This will help out with the node respawns, especially in getting more Khorium node spawns.
- Khorium Ore – 20
Terokkar Forest

The last time I gathered data on this zone, I’d obtained 7 of the ore in question. This time, however, RNG was not on my side, and that’s the thing with this zone. It’s got the least amount of mining nodes on the map, and the route doesn’t hit each location, so if Khorium doesn’t want to spawn for you, you’re out of luck.
- Khorium Ore – 2
If you’re curious as to how much gold you can possibly gain from the items listed below, you can always check out The Undermine Journal, choose your region, and then your realm. After that, search for the items below and see what they’ve been selling for lately.
Khorium Bar (via Khorium Bar)
Used by Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, and Engineering.
This bar is used to create a variety of equipment, including the transmog Lawbringer, via Blacksmithing.
- (2) Khorium Ore