Ghost Iron Ore is available in every zone of Pandaria, which is great, because you can choose from multiple zones to farm from, but not all zones will offer a decent amount.
Back when I was with someone, he complained about not enough gold, or needing to get a bunch of Ghost Iron Ore for one profession or another. As almost a joke, I said I could farm it for him on his account. He was pretty gung-ho about the idea, which surprised me.
But lo and behold, he gave me his information and I went about farming on his account while he wasn’t home.
It was pretty awesome, because he was a raider and had a damn high ilvl, so killing rares was simple–unlike on my own character who had no raiding experience and a lower ilvl to go with the lack of expertise.
What are your PC specs?
- You can find them on my PC specs page.
What addons are used for farming Ghost Iron Ore in WoW?
- The addon Routes.
- The addon FarmHUD.
- The addons Gathermate2 and WoWGatheringNodes.
What professions benefit from Mining?
- Mining
- Jewelcrafting
First off, Mining, because you can’t exactly mine without said profession to begin with. Though you can still possibly acquire ore through other means–such as treasures and chests you pick up while fishing.
Mining, of course, also allows you to smelt the ore you have into bars–beneficial in other crafting professions.
Jewelcrafting allows you to prospect this ore into a large number of different gems, so if you do have this profession and mining as a combo, make sure you grab a whole lotta ore for a variety of gems.
What Mining routes aren’t mentioned?
The only reason the below zones are not mentioned is because I haven’t gotten around to gaining data from the routes I’ve created for 9.2.
- Dread Wastes
- Kun-Lai Summit
- Townlong Steppes
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms
What else can you get from farming Ghost Iron Ore?
You have a chance of gathering MoP gems.
Maps, Routes, and Data
Reduced resolution
The routes in this section offer you full view of the maps in question, at a reduced resolution of 1280×720. In order to get the full resolution of 2560×1440, you’ll need to purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide. It offers a variety of routes for each zone, with all the data I’ve accumulated over the years of farming.
- My farmer is a Horde druid, thus giving faster in-and-out flight form.
- If your mining skill isn’t high enough, you’ll be gathering Ghost Iron Nugget.
- Overall farming time per zone: 30 minutes.
First off, Ghost Iron is a very popular ore in all seven areas of Pandaria, as you can basically farm it in every zone you find yourself in. This makes it a lot easier to choose another location if the zone you’re in is currently populated by other farmers searching for the same ore.
Krasarang Wilds

This is a zone with a simplistic route to it with no cliffsides you’ll have to fly up and down over. The most you’ll need to do is fly over some water areas, but even then, you might find some nodes spawn underwater. There aren’t too many “dry spell” spots.
- Ghost Iron Ore – 388
The Jade Forest

Initially I’d split this zone into two farming routes–one focusing on the upper half and the other on the lower half, which came close to Alliance territory. This was back when there were a lot of people farming this zone due to its abundance of nodes. But since there are less farmers, I created a single route for convenience.
- Ghost Iron Ore – 312
Vale of Eternal Blossoms

This isn’t a zone that will get you a lot of Ghost Iron fast like some other places, but it still nets you quite a bit in a short time. Mainly, the reason people come to this zone is to get a combination of both Ghost Iron as well as Trillium Ore, since it spawns more often here than any other zone.
- Ghost Iron Ore – 327
Valley of the Four Winds

A fan favorite of all the miners that come to Pandaria because it nets a ton of ore in a fairly small path for the zone. Just know that there are a lot of ups and downs as well as areas that have a lot of mobs that could surround a single node. Mind you there are also nodes in an underground area, but I ignore them.
- Ghost Iron Ore – 502
If you’re curious as to how much gold you can possibly gain from the items listed below, you can always check out The Undermine Journal, choose your region, and then your realm. After that, search for the items below and see what they’ve been selling for lately.
Imperial Amethyst
Created by prospecting MoP Ore.
- Stacks of five of the ore mentioned above
Ghost Iron Bar
Used by Blacksmithing, Engineering, and Inscription.
- (2) Ghost Iron Ore