Say Goodbye to Jack is one of the main walkthrough sections for the game, The Medium.


Say Goodbye to Jack Walkthrough

After the initial cutscene reminiscing about the dream about it all starting with a dead girl, we’re thrown into the situation where we actually have to deal with attending to our deceased father.

Find the tie clip

The Medium - Say Goodbye to Jack

On the table is a calendar, if you’re interested in some insightfulness to a little about what had been going on with your father before his passing. It’s kind of sad, really, though there’s no real elaboration on what might’ve caused this kind of outcome.

This is sort of the first in a long line of speculations and questions without answers that we’re greeted with in the game.

Because Jack didn’t make it through the rest of the game, we thought that this Adulthood is a Myth calendar would fit in really well, with uh, you know, how things didn’t turn out I guess. Makes you a little bit more happier.

Aside from that, leave the room.

Turn straight down the hall and make a left where the cat went.

On Jack’s desk is a photo you can look at. Next, above the couch on the right are some religious paintings.

The Medium - Say Goodbye to JackThe Medium - Say Goodbye to Jack

Lastly, to the left there’s a wall with some badges and pins. No need to ogle them too much though, because your eyes should be looking at the desk where there’s a clock. Beside the clock is a small case. Interact with it and find that it’s empty.

Use your insight and find the tie clip underneath the clock.

Optional – Your Room

After you leave Jack’s room, feel free to go through the closed door, as it’s your old room. You can interact with different things in here to learn a bit more about what you liked as a child, such as the butterfly collection on the wall.

Want your own gorgeous collage of framed butterflies to look at? Instead of individually framed butterflies, here’s a display of them to look at in an aesthetically pleasing pattern.

Not only that, but she talks about the orphanage she came from, as well as spirits.

And I don’t mean the drink.

On the far right at her desk are a couple papers with more background information–especially on why she was an orphan, due to what she’d suffered from as a child.

Optional – Feed the Cat

The Medium - Say Goodbye to JackThe Medium - Say Goodbye to Jack

Head into the kitchen and on the counter you’ll find some open cat food. Grab it, then place it into the food dish on the floor by the main door.

Achievement: Famished Feline

After feeding the cat, you’ll acquire this achievement–an achievement you could otherwise miss after leaving the area. (You might not be able to pet the cat, but you can at least feed it.)

On the table is a newspaper you can read.

You’ll notice the date is Friday, November 5, 1999, which means today is the day that Jack died, according to the calendar, as this was also the day of his surgery. For some reasons, complications must’ve happened. What the calendar didn’t tell us was the time of his surgery, though they are typically early.

The clock in Jack’s room said it was 10:10, and the embalming process usually takes around 2-4 hours.

Now I’m wondering…at what time did he actually die, and did the devs have to do their research to get this kind of timing right?

Also, there’s an easter egg for all you Monty Python fans on the right side column that speaks about the discovery of the Holy Hand Granade of Antioch.

Optional – Developing the Photo

The next area connected to the kitchen is the dark room for photo development. Kind of an odd place for it to be, but…okay.

The Medium - Say Goodbye to JackThe Medium - Say Goodbye to Jack

Interact with the table and there’s a blank paper on the far right you can grab. Place it on the wood board and turn on the light for five seconds. You can actually hear the clicking of the seconds if you listen, but that seems to only be with the light.

Next, place the paper into each of the solutions, from right to left for three seconds each.

At the end, you’ll have a photo of Jack.

Optional – Bathroom

Leave the kitchen and in the main hall through the open doorway is the bathroom. There’s really only one thing to look at in here, and it’s a book called 1984.

Get to the Funeral Home

Once you’ve loitered around the house long enough, it’s time to leave.

The Medium - Say Goodbye to Jack

Head out the front door, and out onto the walkway, taking the steps down, then out into the rain where you’ll find yourself going toward the front door of the funeral home on the right (once you’re out of the rain, of course).

The Medium - Say Goodbye to Jack

You’ll need to use your Funeral Home Key on the door.

Prepare Jack for his last journey

The Medium - Say Goodbye to Jack

You’re not going to be able to get into the prep room without the proper key, so head downward into the room with the open door and on the desk you’ll see the Prep Room Key! How fortunate for you.

Too bad these people never heard of a key rack–maybe then they wouldn’t have all these keys laying around and they’d be in their proper place instead. What better place than a key rack that looks like a key?

There’s also information on the funeral preparations on the desk, as well as some of Jack’s background. Not to mention a photo.

Behind you on the desk is Christ on a cross, if you’re into religious stuff. Nice to look at, but otherwise, you’re done in here. Leave here and unlock the prep room with the Prep Room Key.

The Medium - Say Goodbye to Jack

Go all the way downstairs and enter the single door, then cross the floor to the body lockers. There’s only one you’ll be able to open, holding Jack. so grab it and pull until he’s all the way out, then interact with him.

We need to put the finishing touches on him, which means we need his tie, since we only have his tie clip.

The Medium - Say Goodbye to Jack

Behind you on the stool is Jack’s Tie. Combine it with Jack’s Tie Clip, then put the finished product (Jack’s Tie with the Clip) on Jack himself.

Check Upstairs

All right, so we’re making our way back upstairs now.

The Medium - Say Goodbye to Jack

The room we were in before to get the prep room key will shut. You’ll need to go back over there and open that door again and march right to the other side where there’s a cat that kind of runs past you. It’s fine. What’s not fine are the urns. There’s a broken urn on the ground that you’ll need to interact with for a cutscene.

Check out our YouTube video WITH commentary!

During this YouTube video with commentary of The Medium, I’ll basically be saying most of the same stuff that’s within this post, which includes pointing out some of the products. I know some people prefer listening and watching instead of just watching a playthrough, and vice versa, so why not cater to both audiences, right?

Plus, this helps out with placing in closed captions, for those that might be hard of hearing.