Hooked on You: A Dead by Daylight Dating Sim, dating killers has never felt so thrilling.
Okay, Game Grumps might’ve given us Dream Daddy, but now the creators of Dead by Daylight have finally put sex (kinda) into the frachise? You know all the victims will be flocking to their favorite killer in the hopes of them being strung up…in love, that is.
I’m sure everyone’s tired of actually being strung up and murdered.
Except for the killers, who will still enjoy killing you in this dating sim.
- Developed by Psyop
- Published by Behavior Interactive Inc.

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Who is this game for?
When did my interest get piqued?
The moment I saw the killer’s faces
Does Hooked on You’s ending explain everything?
I mean, after achieving compatibility with the four killers, Ocean and The Narrator finally reveal who they are, so yeah. I’d say so.
Explanation to Negative Feedback
No nudes
For fear of my life, I had to carefully choose a negative for this game, and if there’s anything wrong with it–it’s the fact that you don’t actually get the nudes and sex scenes you deserved hoped for.
Explanation to Positive Feedback
Date your favorite killer
Well, as long as your favorite killer consists of Wraith, Spirit, Huntress or Trapper. Those are the only ones you can pursue a romantic path with.
Trickster occasionally pops up from time to time for a chat or to trick you into choosing a specific option, but he mostly stays on the other island where he’s got his own stage set up. Ghostface can also appear at a specific point in the game.
Each character has their own personality
I really liked this aspect of the game. Obviously, everyone who’s played Dead by Daylight probably know about the different killers, so me coming in with no knowledge, it’s nice that each one has their own style and voice and personality.
Even if at the end of the day they really do just want to kill you.
Great artwork
Always a plus, but it’s got a kind of cartoonish style to the artwork. Something you don’t take too seriously during the playthrough, despite the serious situation you’re in.
36 achievements to slaughter
You wake up on the beach of a strange island. Your memory, wiped. Your pockets, empty. Not another living soul in sight. Except of course the four lusty Killers playing volleyball in the sand nearby…
Who are you? How did you get here? Why is the ocean talking to you? Unravel these mysteries and find out what makes each character tick as you flirt, banter, and woo your way into their hearts in this darkly comedic adventure. But choose your words wisely. These Killers are passionate and powerful in equal measure, and this seductive dream can become a nightmare quicker than you think.
Game Length
Probably around the 4-5 hour mark, if you’re just wooing all four of the killers.
Replay Value
You can always come back to woo a killer you haven’t, get more death scenes, and find more achievements you haven’t yet obtained.
Not much replayability in the long run, but there’s still some there.
Hooked on You Review

Before I start with the review, I’d like to first state that I’ve never played Dead by Daylight, as it’s not a type of game that interests me. With that being said, I’m glad I got to understand some of the killers within this game so…deeply, to me. I guess I can only say that because I went in knowing nothing about them, and as you date them, they open up more and more with different scenarios.
I guess more than anything I was confused on Wraith’s storyline.
He just doesn’t really come across as a killer like the others do. I mean, he’s definitely got the potential, but I just don’t really see the motivation, aside from being used, of course. He’s a bit more delicate and shy compared to the others.
You also don’t get to meet every single killer that’s in the game–found that out by some other reviewers stating it.
But there’s always the chance they can get added in later by different updates, right? We’ve got four killers to date so far, that’s a pretty good start if they do plan on updating the other characters into the dating spotlight, otherwise…I kind of agree that it is fairly short when you’re playing start to finish with a single killer to date in mind. Though the game can get lengthy if you search for other ways to interact with characters or obtain achievements.
Game length depends on how you plan on playing the game.
Dating one killer? Fairly short. Dating all killers? A decent length, combining them all. Acquiring all achievements? I image there’s even more length and frustrations on choosing the appropriate lines.
Personally, this was a good romance visual novel in my eyes. The little games they made you play were a good twist and maybe didn’t hugely impact the characters, but you do get different lines, and maybe a death, depending. And the fact that Trapper is more than willing to kill you no matter what meant the stakes were high to choose the appropriate response.
These death scenes were fun at the start, and I’m a fan of the imagery that comes with the romance path. A little disappointed with the lack of sex scenes, but you can only ask for so much from someone willing to kill you like a female praying mantis does after they engage in a moment of passion.