Birthrights is part of Battle for the Northern Way in Rygjafylke within the game Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

Birthrights Guide

Reach Alrekstad


Well, as you can tell by the location of where you need to go next, it’s either a bit of a distance away, or not very far at all, depending on how you want to think about it. And one thing you don’t need to worry about is the suggested power, because the only thing we’ll be doing when we get there is continuing a questline. It’s not like we’ll be engaging enemies or starting other quests.

At least, I hope you won’t. Now’s not the time, you scrublord Viking.

How do you get to Alrekstad?


You’ll need to use your longboat to get there, so wherever you can fast-travel to a port, do so.

Now, I’m not saying do that right away, mind you. Look at the map, for crying out loud. It’s pretty dang big. And if you’re not the type to rush it through the questlines and like to enjoy what the game has to offer, and like to collect and see every single thing a game has to offer, then by all means explore away, because there’s a lot to do around here before you reach Alrekstad.

But if you do want to hit to story first, it’s not like you aren’t going to come back here later.

So yeah, to get there, you’ll just have to take the longboat and follow the flow of water.

Find and speak to Sigurd


Once you’ve docked at the port, send Synin out and the raven will spot out a location in blue. Within this location, you’ll find Sigurd.

It shouldn’t take you too long to find him. Upon approaching a building, you’ll hear a bunch of bickering.

Walk close enough, and you’ll enter a cutscene.

Follow Basim

Basim is going to show you a neat trick called blending in with the people around you by using your cloak to your advantage. All you have to do in this case, is follow him out to the location in which Gorm is residing.

Enter Gorm’s Cabin


What I did for this part is casually walked through the main entrance (of course), while keeping to the left side where the tents are. The two guards sitting on the bench are going to notice you, and I’ll admit, I got a little hedgy with the both of them, so went around the back side of the tent and through the main door that way.

Voila, no trouble at all.

Kind of cowardice, but whatever.

Return to Sigurd


Head back to the big ol’ building for the Althing cutscene after your almost-fight with Gorm.

Rewards for Birthrights

  • 3400 XP