Dungeon DelverIn Dungeon Delver, you'll be diving into the Saltwater Mines where you can mine for ore, stone, and much much more.
How We Know We’re Alive ★★★★★How We Know We're Alive is a beautiful emotional tale of a friend trying to solve the mystery of her friend's death.
Beacon Pines ★★★★☆Beacon Pines is a storybook that casts some adorable residents of a town with a major secret that a few kids decide to uncover.
Cutest Farming Games on PC, Pre-2020Look back on some of the cutest farming games on PC, pre-2020--a few that you might be quite familiar with.
Preparing for the MinesPreparing for the Mines is a task you must undergo if you ever want to step foot in the mines to acquire certain materials.
The Cleo to AdventureThe Cleo to Adventure just needs you to search out where Cleo is and speak with her regarding the key to the mines.
The Old Man of the SeaThe Old Man of the Sea just wants to talk to you about what you've learned so far of the farm life...and update you on the whirlpools.
Happy Little ChickoosHappy Little Chickoos are only happy when they're actually fed, and this quest shows you just what to do to get that done.
Lunchtime for LivestockLunchtime for Livestock won't teach you anything, but it's the first step in learning how to feed your livestock.
Which Came First?Which Came First? requires you to buy a chickoo and register it at your farm's coop--made for chickens and sheep.