12 Labours of Hercules III: Girl Power, where Hercules is now the damsel in distress.
The third in the series of the Labours of Hercules, but in this one we’ll be playing as Megara in the hopes of her being able to free and accompany him in more of his adventures. These games were all bought in a bundle so I didn’t really have to buy them individually.
- Developed by Jetdogs Studios, Zoom Out Games
- Published by Jetdogs Studios

- Available on Nintendo Switch
- Available on Google Play
- Available on PC
Who is this game for?
Explanation to Negative Feedback
A little too easy
As long as you’re not trying to beat the developer’s scores on a harder mode, this game is pretty easy to get through and pass levels in the appropriate amount of time to get three stars.
Explanation to Positive Feedback
Great for playing between doing things
If you’ve got things to take care of around the house, or maybe you’re waiting on an appointment to happen, then this is a game that’s perfect to play, though if you want to complete a level within a specific amount of time, maybe don’t do it when there’s a chance something can come up and interrupt the gameplay.
You play as a woman
It’s nice that while these are the 12 labours of Hercules, you are able to play as someone else for a while, as Hercules is still just a man that makes mistakes and gets kidnapped.
That’s right, it’s not just women this happens to.
Links Worth Checking Out
- Nothing here yet
22 of them
A hero from Ancient Greece, Hercules, is fighting the great beast Scylla, when lurking Charybdis captures his friend Cerberus! Then, unseen by Hercules, takes the hero himself. The only chance for Hercules is his wife Megara. Help Megara free the hero and then accompany him in all of his adventures, including the forest of the Amazons and Mount Olympus in 12 Labours of Hercules III: Girl Power!
Game Length
Around 10 hours if you’re doing everything
Replay Value
None, unless for a higher difficulty on the levels
12 Labours of Hercules III: Girl Power Review
I hate to sound repetitive with these games, but I mean…they are all very repetitive, but I think so far I’ve had more fun with this game than the ones previously. Probably because I did all the levels on normal difficulty first and then went for beating the developer’s records on specific levels for achievement purposes.
The artwork was very well done in the scenes that show up in the progress.
And I have to say it’s pretty rewarding when the screen comes up that you’ve beat the Developer’s record, as there’s confetti falling and trumpets on either side and it just…feels like an accomplishment.
The levels were not too difficult to get through.
Though when it came to finding the stones with letters on them in each level was really stress-inducing, and I’m pretty sure I went cross-eyed at certain times when hunting for one in specific levels.