This Audio Datapoint is from the game Horizon Zero Dawn.

Audio Datapoints - Log: Connor Chasson
Audio Datapoints - Log: Connor Chasson
Audio Datapoints - Log: Connor Chasson

In the quest A Gift From the Past, there comes a point where you’ll need to shimmy through a door. Once through, turn right and through that doorway, you’ll find the Audio Datapoint smack dab on the table in front of you.

This datapoint is the 6th in the menu slot.

Log: Connor Chasson

Connor Chasson: Well, happy new year, dear diary. Can you believe we actually celebrated last night? Well, we did. Kind of. Director Evans invited everyone to gather in the community room. Don’t know where she got the party hats. That was a ghoulish touch. So there we sit, watching the clock tick down to midnight, and I’m thinking, am I the only one here who gets the symbolism of this? Might’ve been worth it if Skylar had gotten drunk again, but… I seem to be a mistake she doesn’t want to repeat.