The Stink-Brew is a mission in Ledecestrescire within the game Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

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The Stink-Brew Guide
This one is a bit hidden away as it’s actually underneath the fortress area, but not by any means of an are where you break down doors–which there are a lot of in the area. Instead, jump down to the water area and encounter a lot of snakes scattered about. If you turn toward the walls, there’s an entrance.
Again, inside you’ll find vipers, but also a woman yelling about eggs.
Approach and speak with her and she’ll mention she needs viper eggs. Blasted things are on her turf, even though she seems to be some kind of prisoner?
If you’ve already killed a lot of snakes, then you might already have the eggs on you. In that case, just interact with her again and give her 2 viper eggs. After you do, she’ll want more, so give her 3 viper eggs. Once again, the lady can’t contain her enthusiasm for eggs, so she demands 4 viper eggs.
After the 4th, she’ll let out a noxious cloud of gas.
Talk with her again in order to get your reward, because by golly you deserve it for having to smell that stank.
The Stink-Brew Rewards
- 1200 XP
- Ledecestre Sewer Door Key