The Orphaned Hatchling is a horde quest in Zuldazar per the Battle for Azeroth expansion of World of Warcraft.

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The Orphaned Hatchling Description

<The surviving hatchling bleats piteously as it gazes at its mother’s corpse. It inspects you hopefully and seems to want to follow you. Perhaps you can find someone in Warbeast Kraal who can care for it?>

Quest objective:

Find someone in Warbeast Kraal who cares for young direhorn.

The Orphaned Hatchling Guide

  • Starts: Direhorn Hatchling (64,44)
  • Ends: Beastlord L’kala (66,42)

The Orphaned Hatchling

To the left and up the path, you’ll find an underpass with a guardian watching the road. They’ll mention you needing to visit someone, so head further into the area.

Turn the corner, left-side and go up until you see the Beastlord.

Completion Rewards

Some of these rewards will vary depending on what class you’re playing, as well as the level you’re currently at. Thus, I don’t give the exact rewards.


  • Currency
  • Experience