A Cry For Help

A Cry For Help

A Cry For Help is an escort quest that only requires you to take out the mobs in your path and not fear any ambushes along the way.
A Moment’s Respite

A Moment’s Respite

A Moment's Respite gives you a moment to avoid combat and speak with Jaina regarding your situation with the Jailer and The Maw.
A Flight From Darkness

A Flight From Darkness

A Flight From Darkness is a horde quest in The Maw per the Shadowlands expansion of World of Warcraft.  Description There's a cave not far from here. If we hurry,…
Felspark Ravine

Felspark Ravine

Cull the demonic threat in Felspark Ravine by killing a variety of demons in the area. Let the ravine run green with the color of their blood.