A Moment’s Respite

A Moment's Respite gives you a moment to avoid combat and speak with Jaina regarding your situation with the Jailer and The Maw.

A Flight From Darkness

A Flight From Darkness is a horde quest in The Maw per the Shadowlands expansion of World of Warcraft.  Description There's a cave not far from here. If we hurry,…

On Blackened Wings

Unfortunately, there's no flying in On Blackened Wings, but there are quite a bit of ambushes by hell's angels that fly on blackened wings!

Fear to Tread

You don't have anything to fear in Fear to Tread, unless you don't want to aggro any mob at all. Just find the clues around you and seek Jaina.

Ruiner’s End

In Ruiner's End, we get to end some ruining done by a big ol' mob that thinks they're better than everyone else. Little do they know, however...

Mawsworn Menace

The Mawsworn are a menace, hence the quest name Mawsworn Menace. Luckily, you only have to kill a handful to complete the quest.

A Fractured Blade

A Fractured Blade isn't just talking about your own blade that might be a little busted up and bloodied, but fractured comrades.