Elmore’s TaskElmore's Task requires you to go from Goldshire to Stormwind, where you'll be given another task as a deliver-person. Good times.
The Rear is ClearThe Rear is Clear isn't just what you say after leaving the bathroom anymore--it's a quest in Elwynn forest where you walk from here to there.
They Sent AssassinsStart assassinating the rookie goblin assassins in They Sent Assassins and show them they aren't doing their job very well.
Join the Battle!Technically, you're not actually joining a battle in Join the Battle! You just have to request permission to join the battle. Like they'd deny you...
Lions for LambsGet rid of the Blackrock Spies in the area as per the request of Lions for Lambs. You're the lion, they're the lamb. Chomp, chomp.
Beating Them Back!In Beating them Back!, you'll be fighting the Worgs of the area. Kind of sad for all you animal lovers out there, but it must be done.