The Great Moongraze HuntYou need tenderloins for this Great Moongraze Hunt (as opposed to the other), and by golly you'll get a bunch of them if you simply kill stags.
The Great Moongraze HuntThis is the second Great Moongraze Hunt you'll come across, and it's basically the same thing... you just kill stags for hides this time.
Totem of YorTotem of Yor isn't the most fun of the totem quests, as you're in water and out of water and in water and out of water until voila: a totem.
Totem of VarkAll right, so you've kinda sorta learned how to mostly read the furbolg language, and now it's time for the finisher: Totem of Vark.
The Prophecy of AkidaThe Prophecy of Akida is an interesting quest, given the obvious glitches, but also the chance of finding treasure chests!
Bandits!Bandits! is a somewhat difficult quest to come by if you're not actively looking. It snuck up on me, but we'll tell you how to find and finish.
Find Acteon!Quick, find Acteon immediately! Or take your time. The urgency in the title isn't a real thing. You're lugging fush over to this Acteon dude.
Red Snapper – Very Tasty!I don't know if you should taste the Red Snapper to see if it's very tasty, but it's what the quest says. Enjoy fishing in a non-fishing way.
Beasts of the Apocalypse!There are actually quite a bit of decent things about killing ravagers for Beasts of the Apocalypse. We've got the info inside.
Gurf’s DignityGurf's Dignity is an item-based quest, meaning you'll need to actually acquire the item in order to gain the quest. We give you the details inside.