Succubus Girl Story, she’s a little hot-tempered for a down-and-dirty devil.
So after deciding to play more NSFW games, and after purchasing and playing What If Your Girl Was A Frog, I went ahead and bought the “Yummy Pack” bundle, which consists of 13 games around the same type of playstyle of puzzles. Still, I get to at least see a variety of ladies in different scenarios, and a succubus just happens to be one of those ladies.
Now, I’ve read several books with incubi as the main characters, but I’ve only read one or two revolving around the succubus.
But the two are basically the same in opposite genders–they love their sexual consumption.
- Developed by Hunny Bunny Studio
- Published by Hunny Bunny Studio

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Is there a NSFW playthrough of this game?
We’ll have it within our courses:
Who is this game for?
Do you have guides for the game?
You don’t exactly need a guide for this sort of game.
Title Screen
I didn’t think about the first title screen in the last game I played–the frog one–as I only just remembered the overlay of the second image.
Either way, the main title screen has a really nice background to it. You’ve got the red stripes with gradient shadows and lighting. It reminds me something of circus colors. Like the big tents, I guess, but it also goes with the succubus theme because, well, she’s a red-bodied demon.
The tail is of course the main character’s, and it does swish around in an animated style.
For the second image, which I treat more like the starting screen than the starting screen with the title’s name…the background is looking like the inferno you’d think of within the depths of hell! Again, a nice background that heats things up and plays off of our main character.
Title Font
Three different types of text fonts.
The “succubus” font is spot-on, as well as the coloring. It pops more with both gradients as opposed to them just choosing a background color of red. Too much red and everything will just blend into the background and nothing will have a good look. But the font also looks kind of cutesy, as if to charm us. The swirls kind of like wrapping a finger around a strand of someone’s hair and curling it.
I’m not particularly fond of the font for “girl” or “story.”
First off, “girl” doesn’t come across as any kind of girly font to me. There’s no curves or finesse. It’s just too serious.
And while I like the heart background for the “story” text, again, the font doesn’t do the flirtatious ordeal of the game any kind of justice. It’s got little spatters to it which feels more horror than romance. Or maybe they wanted to intertwine horror with romance.
It still doesn’t work.
There’s no text on the menu, but there are icons in the upper right, once you get past the main title screen.
These icons from left to right indicate gallery, settings–consisting of fullscreen or not as well as volume sliders–, and exit.

There are 24 achievements.
You most want to summon the ✟ Succubus Girl ✟. She rules the underworld. You inadvertently performed the ritual and called her to your home. What will you do with an angry beast? ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ
Game Length
Less than 30 minutes.
Replay Value
None…the scenes just aren’t really worth it.
This game involves nudity and sexual scenes if you also download the 18+ DLC after purchasing the main game.
In order to see the animated scenes, you’ll need to piece together the puzzles of each scene. The pieces are outside the main area of the puzzle, instead of on the inside, so you don’t get confused on the movement of them. You will however have to rotate certain pieces for the image to make sense.
You rotate the puzzle pieces via the mouse wheel.

I just want to say the succubus lady looks fine.
She looks hot.
Her outfit is superb, and I especially love the skull belt buckle. The purple vibe she has going on is also banging. Those bits of purple hair color, and the booty shorts. The piercings are enticing on her tail to make you know she’s kind of into pain and stuff.

The scene change background…I don’t even know how to describe it. It’s a messy style that looks to have some kind of structural integrity, maybe looking a little warped from heat? I mean, if that’s what the artist was going for, then I can see it.
The rest of the style of the game is more soft-shading with small parts that seem to have a cell-shading style before merging into the softer blend.
Background Music
Yeah, I’m not too sure on their choice of music for this one. It’s a lot of slow, peaceful piano music and almost sounds like you’re in the middle of church while in front of you is a she-devil sucking someone off. They don’t really coincide with one another.
Sound Effects
The main sound effects are going to be from you picking up a puzzle piece and rotating it–which is just little clicking sounds–as well as the sound of the scene transition, which is like listening to a stone pillar slide against a gravel ground. Gritty.
Final Thoughts
I wasn’t a fan of this game.
Like, it provided a small mouse cursor tutorial in front of you before you actually begin the first puzzle, but that’s not enough of a tutorial. At least, not for me. I didn’t know I had to use the mousewheel to rotate the pieces. And even so, the mousewheel on my Razer Naga doesn’t work properly, so that annoyed me even more–I had to go find another mouse in my house.
No rhyme intended.
Aside from that gripe, the scenes just…weren’t that great. Don’t get me wrong, there were a few good ones (I’m looking at you, beads), but otherwise they were just…lackluster.