Shy Cats Hidden Orchestra, they’re shy about how good their jams are.
I noticed this game mentioned in Saphia’s video of cozy games and also saw it a couple times thrown my way on Steam’s recommended list, and since I really enjoy hidden objects and am so tired of the same monotonous soundtrack in a game, I decided it was probably worth trying.
- Developed by Enchant Games
- Published by Enchant Games

- Available on Steam
Who is this game for?
Game Length
Around an hour
Explanation to Negative Feedback
Crisp and not-so-crisp art
Sometimes you’re forced to zoom into the environment in order to actually find some of the cats better (which I wasn’t a fan of, mind you–I searched ten minutes for a cat until I had to zoom in on my broken mouse scroll wheel in order to find it, ugh). When you do, you’ll notice the foreground art is a lot nicer looking and crisp than the background which is…blurry in a not very stylish way.
Not many areas
There are only ten environments where you’re able to look for cats in, so the game isn’t too long in that sense, and it kind of makes you wish there were more because…the music is actually pretty good.
Explanation to Positive Feedback
Cats jam out some bangers
Seriously, I liked all the music that came out of this game. The cats really know how to make a beat once you drag them out of hiding by the scruff of their neck.
Offers a challenge
I appreciate Shy Cats not handing us the hidden cats right off the bat. You actually have to work to find some of these cats, which might become a bit tedious over time, but…the end music is totally worth it. There were only a couple cats I wasn’t a fan of finding.
Links Worth Checking Out
- Nothing here
Shy Cats Hidden Orchestra Review
TL;DR Review
I’m usually pretty good at hidden object games, considering I play a lot of them, but man, some of these cats really kicked my ass when it came to trying to find them. I will say in one instance there was no way I would’ve been able to see a cat without looking at a guide for help, because it was so transparent. I was even zoomed in all the way and when I knew where it was, it was still difficult to see it.
Those cats will probably be the bane of some people’s existence as not everyone has great eyesight, and not everyone wants their nose pressed against the screen in order to look for something they can’t find.
Also, does the game give you a notice that the last cat is only found in the hidden post office box with the note? Because when I first started playing, I looked all over for that last cat before I finally did the puzzle and got the last cat.
It was a little annoying, but after that you obviously figure it out.
The first environment is pretty small in comparison to the final environment. I think they slowly expand as you progress, which is cool, because it makes you get a little used to it being more and more difficult to find the cats, since you have to search a larger area.
The puzzles are fairly straightforward in each level, though some might make you tilt your head…especially if you don’t know a certain instrument or don’t understand the image’s concept.
At least, a couple stumped me.
Overall, it’s not a bad game and I think a younger audience might have fun with searching for all the cats without being too bummed about only ten environments.