Seek Girl, yeah, seek them out by bonking them on the head.

I came so close to getting a refund for this game because it was such poor gameplay on a fullscreen 1440p resolution. After spamming buttons to get past a few sections and not getting anywhere, I told myself to try it in windowed mode and it worked a lot better.

Go figure…

Keep in mind this is the base game and therefore doesn’t have NSFW content. You’ll need to buy the 18+ patch for that.

Where can you buy?


  • Women are pleasant to look at


  • Garbage gameplay in 1440p
  • Hit boxes are wonky

Explanation to Negative Feedback

Garbage gameplay in 1440p

UGH. This game was so INFURIATING when I was playing it in 1440p full screen, and I just really wish someone maybe could’ve test-played it in this type of resolution? Then again, it was developed in 2019 so maybe that wasn’t much of an option. In that case, would they be able to take the 1440p out of the options?

Because it’s so annoying trying to play a game that clearly isn’t meant to be played in a specific resolution.

I mean it’s a whack-a-mole game and if I constantly spam the hammer on top of these girls and it NEVER registers a single bonk, it’s going to drive a lot of people crazy.

Like me.

I couldn’t get past level 5 in 1440p, and there was another level that I had to restart in order for things to register slightly better.

Hit boxes are wonky

Since this is a whack-a-mole type of game, you should be able to hit the girl really anywhere on her body to register a hit, not just her head, and for the most part it works (disregarding the fullscreen issue I had), but on some occasions I have to hit multiple times in order for the girl to be bonked.

After dealing with a thoroughly difficult and annoying first half of playing this game, minor mishaps still made for a bad game to me.

Explanation to Positive Feedback

Women are pleasant to look at

Seek Girl Review

If there’s ever a pro for this game it’s that the women are nice looking at least. Sure, I hate the gameplay, but sometimes you’d just like to reach the end results for the view. Even if they still have their clothes on.

We all start somewhere.

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