Psychonauts 2, a game you should play whenever you think it’s a good idea to jump into someone’s mind and alter their thoughts.
I’ve never played the first Psychonauts game before this one, and I don’t think I ever even knew about it, either. But apparently it came out in 2005, so that’s probably the reason I never gave it much thought. I can’t say what I was doing back then either, as I was around 16.
I don’t think I was huge into PC games just yet–I’m pretty sure I was still enjoying the PlayStation life as well as whatever Gameboys I had at the time, but I was also into virtual pet sites (like Neopets) around that time, and drawing art for them as a side job.
- Developed by Double Fine Productions
- Published by Double Fine Productions

- Available on Humble Bundle
- Available on PlayStation 4
- Available on Xbox
Explanation to Negative Feedback
Needless clicking
Some places are drawn out–especially with the dialogue areas. Other times you’ll need to do an additional click in order to do something, like with jumping onto an edge and having to climb up. Instead of pushing up to climb, you have to click the jump button again. Wall-jumping is also awkward for me to handle.
Explanation to Positive Feedback
No need to “interact” with objects
When it comes to picking up certain things on the ground–such as health and psitanium–all you need to do is get close enough and you’ll pick them up automatically, if you’re able to. Obviously, if you’re at full health, you won’t be able to get any more health, and if you’re full on psitanium, you won’t be able to get any more of that either.
Those objects also despawn after a certain amount of time, which kind of sucks.
Picking up Figments is the same thing–you need to walk over them to pick them up.
Spiffy characters
Every main character you come across is unique-looking, so you don’t confuse one with another. I say main, because the NPCs that sort of loiter around the Motherlobe HQ can have similarities and can look alike in other worlds we enter as well. They use the same skins and such, since there’s not much of a point in making every single person completely different looking when they don’t really add anything but an aesthetic and filler to the game.
The voice acting is amazing.
And if you listen closely, you’ll probably recognize some of the voices either from some major movies, or from other games that you might’ve played over the years. I actually went through the credits myself and did a couple double-takes and laughed, because I was not expecting some of the people in that list.
But man, everyone did an amazing job in their roles.
Unique enemies
The combat is great, despite there not being a ton of enemies.
It makes sense, as this game is focused on people’s minds, and we can only have so many “bad things” to defeat in our minds. So despite the limited enemies, they made each one unique and defeating them just as interesting.
Such as Doubts being weak to fire, and the fact that their goop can slow you down. Regrets have anvils that they’ll drop on you, but you can steal their anvils and throw it at them. Bad Ideas will throw electrified light bulbs at you that you can telekenetically catch and throw back at them.
Links Worth Checking Out
- Nothing here yet
57 Steam achievements
Razputin “Raz” Aquato, trained acrobat and powerful young psychic, has realized his lifelong dream of joining the international psychic espionage organization known as the Psychonauts! But these psychic super spies are in trouble. Their leader hasn’t been the same since he was rescued from a kidnapping, and what’s worse, there’s a mole hiding in headquarters.
Game Length
Anywhere from 13 to 25 hours.
Replay Value
You can retrace your steps to get all collectibles, but aside from that, no
Psychonauts 2 Review
God I love this game.
It’s hard to find faults in a game you love this much, even though I know they’re there. I think I kept my blinders on to them. But then again, you also have to remember I never played the first game or the one in-between, so I don’t have anything to compare it to. I started Psychonauts 2 with a fresh mind.
I know I miss out on things from the previous game they make references to, but I feel like even if you haven’t played the first game, this is a good one to jump into anyway.
The platforming, the boss fights, the amazing characters and their humor, and the environments you’re thrown into are all worth the experience.