Swiftthistle and the Best Routes for Farming Them as of 8.3Swiftthistle doesn't have its own herb node out in the world, thus you obtain it by other herbs. Here are some of the best places to do so.
Visual Legend Bundle of 2020Check out the games you can find in Indiegala's Visual Legend Bundle of 2020. Enjoy some artwork and enjoy the storylines of these VNs.
FallstreakCheck out our review of Fallstreak, a psychologically gripping visual novel that really hits you hard with emotional triggers.
Nightstalker Clean Up, Isle 2…"If you've got the stomach for it," they say. Pfft, go out there and slaughter some infected nighstalkers for some Nightstalker Clean Up.
Strange FindingsStrange Findings consist of a faintly glowing crystal found in the carcass of a nightstalker runt. Once you've got it, turn it in, because ew.
Coming of AgeComing of Age is the start to your journey onward to Bloodmyst, but it's still in Azuremyst. So give the orders to the Pack Handler and be gone with you.
The Great Moongraze HuntYou need tenderloins for this Great Moongraze Hunt (as opposed to the other), and by golly you'll get a bunch of them if you simply kill stags.
The Great Moongraze HuntThis is the second Great Moongraze Hunt you'll come across, and it's basically the same thing... you just kill stags for hides this time.
Totem of YorTotem of Yor isn't the most fun of the totem quests, as you're in water and out of water and in water and out of water until voila: a totem.
Totem of VarkAll right, so you've kinda sorta learned how to mostly read the furbolg language, and now it's time for the finisher: Totem of Vark.