The Hinterlands is a contested zone, meant for players level 30-60 and founded in Classic World of Warcraft. You be findin' some troll ruins here. Everything you find below is up…
The Cape of Stranglethorn is a contested zone, meant for players level 30-60 and founded in Classic World of Warcraft. A zone connected to Stranglethorn Vale, where you can choose…
Zul'Drak is a contested zone, meant for players level 64-80 and founded in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion of World of Warcraft. It's known for a colossal dude…
Grizzly Hills is a contested zone, meant for players level 63-80 and founded in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion of World of Warcraft. So many things regarding quests…
You've made yourself a new Death Knight, but you kind of need a weapon to go with your looks, right? The Emblazoned Runeblade helps you with Runeforging.