Neko Beach, who says cats hate water?
After dealing with a few games with slider puzzles, unfortunately, this game was a letdown, featuring more slider puzzles. A lot of them were fairly easy, but others took me some time to get through. Sometimes If you’re taking too long, it’s best to restart the puzzle and suddenly it becomes easy again.
The animated scenes were sort of worth the trouble, though.
- Developed by Yummy Yummy Studio
- Published by Hunny Bunny Studio

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Explanation to Negative Feedback
Those tile switch puzzles…
I’m a huge fan of puzzle games where you piece a puzzle together in order to get an image. But I goddamn hate these tile-switching puzzles where you can only move one piece with its neighbor. If you’re shoddy like I am at it, you’ll end up with more of a mess than you started out with.
Like, it gives a bit more difficulty to the game, so the animated scenes you so desire aren’t hand-fed to you, but my hatred remains.
Weird achievement titles
I mean, come on, “Catch this jellyfish!” I read that and looked around the screen like, uh…what jellyfish? There’s literally no jellyfish anywhere. Unless they’re under the water in which case, being semi-transparent, we wouldn’t be able to see them. Makes the achievement kind of stupid.
Along with many others.
Explanation to Positive Feedback
Neko ladies
Weirdly enough, some of these ladies don’t seem very neko, lacking ears and a tail, but for the most part, if you love cats and you love women, then I don’t see why you wouldn’t see this as a positive.
Pleasant soundtrack for a beach theme
Seriously, so far this is the best soundtrack for the setting the cat ladies exist in.
Game Info
39 of them.
Haven’t you been on vacation for a long time? Tired of the bustle of the city, endless stress, and loneliness?
You should take a break and experience amazing delight in the best traditions of Neko Beach.
At Neko Beach girls are hot by the sun and they are waiting for you with attention and shamelessness. And of course, there are the sea and palm trees.
Game Length
Around 20 minutes, if you’re simply playing one playthrough. If you’re going for both the SFW and NSFW gameplay, it might be double that or more, depending on how good you are at the sliding puzzles, and how long you stay on the amination screen.
Replay Value
Not really, unless you’re in the mood for the animation scenes.
You’ll need to download the 18+ DLC after buying the initial game in order to get the NSFW portion, but yea.
This is a tile puzzle game, where you have to switch a tile piece with its neighbor in order to complete the image. Personally, I hate these types of puzzles, because my brain short-circuits when trying to get the pieces into their proper spots.
Neko Beach Review

I really like the starting screen and how they made the title’s name–I only wish like every other one of these games that the title screen wasn’t attached to the intro animation and was actually, you know, the starting screen. Instead the main screen will hold the images for the puzzles you’re going to be completing.
Also, you can’t double-click to start a puzzle. You have to click the puzzle, and hit the play icon at the top of the screen.
Like…why give us an extra step?
Not only that, but if you’re curious why there are three puzzles with a star icon, that means they’re the ones with sex in them in the NSFW portion.
The graphics are actually pretty nice in this one. There’s some wonkiness to be had with the animations if you’re doing the NSFW portion of the game (I mean, we got boobers going two different ways like they’re not attracted to each other). But for the most part, the animations are fine.
Except for the male parts, of course.
Some of those peepees were bleeding, I think. Don’t be so rough on yourselves, guys. It’s just sex.
Finally we have piano melodies that actually fit with the scenery of these kinds of games. It’s–I’m going to say–several piano tracks, though they all kind of blend together in the background. Not a bad thing, since it’s not the primary focus. It’s just sound in the back while your focus is on what’s happening in front of you.
But seeing as this game centers on the beach, the soundtrack is relaxing enough to fit.