Mista Nice is a horde quest in Zuldazar per the Battle for Azeroth expansion of World of Warcraft.

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Mista Nice Description

I am normally not a violent tortollan, but if there is one thing I cannot abide, it is a scoundrel using children for his own profit.

The street scamps appear to be working at the behest of a ring leader. I do believe they call him “Mista Nice” though I suspect the name to be sarcastic in nature.

I have a scroll here that can let you move among the scamps and see if they lead you back to Mista Nice. If they do, slay him and I shall pay you a bounty.

Quest objective:

Find and slay Mista Nice.

Mista Nice Guide

  • Starts: Scrollsage Rooka (56,88)
  • Ends: Scrollsage Rooka (56,88)

Mista Nice

Turn around and head up the staircase where you’ll meet up with Orphan Toe. Talk to him, ask him to lead the way to Mr. Nice, then follow the boy.

Turns out this nice guy has the wrong name.

Kill him.

After he’s dead, leave the little cubby hole and jump down to the floor below to turn in the quest.

Completion Rewards

Some of these rewards will vary depending on what class you’re playing, as well as the level you’re currently at. Thus, I don’t give the exact rewards.
