Lilac and Gooseberries is a quest within the game The Witcher 3.

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Lilac and Gooseberries Guide
Kill the ghouls.
As soon as you’re out of the cutscene regarding Geralt’s nightmare, you’re faced with a group of ghouls. Of course, Vesemir is there to help you fight them off, but here’s the part where you figure out how your own combat skills are.
Follow Vesemir.
Before you hop on your horse, use your Senses to spot a little bird skull sitting in the grass. You’ll be needing it in order to complete a quest.
Now jump on your horse and follow Vesemir.
Once you cross over a wooden bridge, you’ll enter a cutscene where a guy’s horse is being eaten by a griffin. Disgusting, but also cool. After Geralt and Vesemir get the griffin to high-tail it out of there, the man thanks you and gives you an option to dismiss payment, or request it for saving him from being a second meal.
- You don’t owe us a thing. (free food + merchant discount)
- We could use a few crowns. (50c)
Personally, I don’t think you need the money at this point in time, and not only that, but if you refuse payment, the merchant will give you a discount to his goods later and will mention the Innkeeper’s name for some free food.
Go to the tavern in White Orchard.
Follow Vesemir on horseback once again until you reach the tavern in question. Getting close enough triggers a cutscene.
Ask travelers about Yennefer.
While Vesemir decides to take it easy, it’s up to us to ask around on any sightings of Yennefer.
The first table that hosts two guys is optional to spark up a conversation with. If you choose the Axii option, you can get 25XP and a little tip from the man.
The next guy you can speak with is the Scholar, seated by the wall at a table of three. He’ll introduce you to the game Gwent, if you happen to be interested in it. This will also trigger another quest: Catch ‘Em All. Said quest can also be triggered by buying any Gwent cards that the innkeeper is selling.
Lastly, Gaunter O’Dimm.
If you choose the dialogue option Fine, I’ll have a drink, he’ll give you an alchemy ingredient.
Ask the Nilfgaardians about Yennefer.
Exit the tavern and you’ll come across three assholes looking for a fight. Choose the Axii option in order to get 25XP extra on top of your 350XP for whooping their ass.
Now head to the Nilfgaardian Garrison up to the northwest. If you’re sticking to the main road by horse, you’ll come across a guarded treasure right in your path, with a couple wolves stalking the vicinity. You can try to Igni the red barrels to get them to explode, otherwise just dispose of the wolves and grab the loot.
Continue forward and up the stairs to where two guards stand and you’ll enter a cutscene.
Go into the garrison now and up where the commander is located and have a chat with him in regards to killing the griffin in exchange for information on where Yennefer might’ve gone.
Complete the griffin contract.
First complete The Beast of White Orchard.
Prepare to leave White Orchard with Vesemir.
Fast travel to Woesong Bridge. Speak with Visimer in the tavern. You’ll end up in a cutscene and will have to fight some drunken jerks afterward while inside the tavern.
You’ll get 300XP for your troubles.
After that, another cutscene involving Yennefer.