The Restricted Section is a section within the game LEGO Harry Potter.
A bit of a recap…
It’s Christmas time!
(Maybe or maybe not irl), and after getting out of that ordeal from the Quidditch game, you’ll want to traverse across the grounds and back into the castle. Instead of taking a broom across the gap as you’d done before, you’ll have to WL your way to fixing the gap. Once that’s done, keep going into the halls where you’ll wave at the portrait of the fat lady that sings terribly to enter your dorm.
Harry and Ron open up their presents, with Ron getting a pretty plain Christmas sweater that doesn’t look Christmassy at all, and Harry gets an Invisibility Cloak.
Way to show off that people like you more, Harry.
He sneaks by Professor Filch and creates a distraction to let Ron slip by as well so they can both follow Professor Dumbledore into the Forbidden Section of the library. Because you know, when you’re being shady about certain things, kids are going to investigate.
The Restricted Section Guide
Section 1
Try to avoid Filch’s cat, and if she gets too close, you can just attack her and she’ll run off between two bookshelves. Also, there are red books jumping around. Make sure to use your Invisibility Cloak as Harry, get close behind them and interact when the white arrow shows up above them.
They’ll be taken out that way.
There’s a ghost at the end of the right side. When you get close enough, she’ll bring down a book from the shelves and it’ll turn into pieces of a cauldron that you’ll have to WL to fix it up.
Stand on the book that the statue is holding and Ron will WL you to the higher floor. You can find the yellow flowers in the center flowerpot hanging off the side, and after that’s tossed in, return to the same top balcony and attack the bookshelf. It’ll bring it down and reveal the spider on its own spiderweb.
Once that’s in the pot, go to the left side and attack the bench. It’ll bring out LEGO pieces for you to WL.
Stand on the yellow book so Ron can WL it for you, then jump on top of the stacks of books in order to reach this balcony. Now WL the flame in order for the ice wall to melt. Behind it is the final item–the popsicle.
Head through the door.
Section 2
Keep attacking Mrs. Norris when she gets too close, as she’ll alert Filch. And use the Invisibility Cloak when Filch gets near as well.
Otherwise, attack the wall of books in the first nook and it’ll reveal a green LEGO piece. WL it to the center nook that’s blocked off by a gate to put it in place. Do the same with the other LEGO pieces so the gate will open.
Grab the green key at the end and unlock the door on the far right.
Switch to Ron and get rid of the books blocking the way to the entrance of the tube, then send Scabbers into the tube to knock some books off at the top of the balcony.
Back to Harry, WL the door handle to the door, then step through.
Section 3

This last section is easy enough–there are vines coming out of a passageway to the left. LS the plant and two bats will fly out and land on top of the covering of the mirror. Attack the two bats and they’ll reveal the mirror to you.
Approach it for a cutscene.