Magical Tool Hacks is a quest within the game Fae Farm.
Magical Tool Hacks Guide
Upgrade to at least an iron pickaxe from Cinder
After upgrading your pickaxe to a copper one, your next quest is to upgrade it once more in order to gain an ability.
While you’re in the mines, you’re going to eventually run across some Iron Ore. These are like the Copper Ore you find only more silver, I guess you could say. You can check out the levels to see where they start showing up by interacting with the podium at the start of a level.
On top of actual ore you can break apart, there are certain enemies that you can kill which will drop iron as well.
In order to upgrade your pickaxe, you’ll need the following:
- 2 Iron Ingots
- 500 Florins
Iron Ingots are made at the Stone Forge and since you need two of them, it requires:
- 20 Iron Ore
- 4 Coal
After you’ve made the two ingots and have enough money, head over to Cinder and choose the next upgrade for the pickaxe.
Use an iron pickaxe magical ability
Whether you want to find some stone out in the open world or if you want to head back into the mine, it doesn’t matter for this objective. You’ll just need to be able to use your pickaxe. When it’s ready, press the keybind that’ll use your tool’s special ability and you’ll be able to break apart several stones and ores all at once in a small area near you.
Keep in mind it uses both magic and stamina.
Return to Cleo for rewards!
Make your way back to her.
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