Ashenvale is a contested zone meant for players level 15-60, founded in the Classic World of Warcraft. While it may cater to both sides, this is more of an area owned by alliance, being attacked by the horde.
Everything you find below is up to date for patch 8.3.
[lwptoc skipHeadingLevel=”h1,h3,h4,h5,h6″]
- Darnassus
- Gilneas
- Orgrimmar
Dungeons & Raids:
- Blackfathom Deeps
[content-egg module=Viglink template=list]
Archaeology Finds
There’s a possibility of finding Archaeology dig-sites listed below in this zone, but that doesn’t mean they’ll always be here. It’s just something that’s good to know in case you plan on working with this profession.
Battle Pets [4-6]
Aquatic | Beast |
If you like Harry Potter and remember those chocolate frogs they eat, here’s a Chocolate Frog Plushie on Amazon that won’t jump away. You also shouldn’t eat it. | Nothing like watching a low budget film on Amazon with some of your friends–if just to laugh about it. And be a little grossed out, because it’s called Maggots. |
Critter | Flying |
If you have a bracelet with several charms on it already (or not enough), you might think about getting this cute little non-creepy Snail Charm from Jared. | Check out this beautiful moth print made by Giardino on Etsy. |
Below are the types of treasure chests that I’ve found in Ashenvale. You won’t be able to find a chest in every single location they appear in, and they are on a timer if someone happens to take the specific chests in the zone before you.
- Runestone Treasure Chest
- Solid Chest
- Sturdy Treasure Chest
I really hate the trees in this zone when it comes to herbalism. I mean, it might be bad for mining as well, but herbs are pretty small anyway and you’re just flying through foliage to get to them.
Anyway, the route gives you a large variety of herbs, which might be a con if you don’t want a bunch of them in your bags.
But, if you’re looking for Wild Steelbloom, Ashenvale is a good place to start.
- Liferoot – 23
- Bruiseweed – 62
- Wild Steelbloom – 98
- Mageroyal – 17
- Briarthorn – 17
- Swiftthistle – 17
- Kingsblood – 7
- Gromsblood – 6
Be careful when following the fishing route, as some of the spots to fish come close to the opposing faction–specifically if you’re horde. Also, if you like opening trunks, then you’ll like fishing in these schools.
Full route
No fishing rod
- Firefin Snapper – 5
- Iron Bound Trunk – 7
- Oily Blackmouth – 31
- Raw Sagefish – 134
- Rumsey Rum Dark – 11
- Stranglekelp – 30
- Watertight Trunk – 23
Worst part about this zone? The trees. Best part about this zone? The amount of Tin Ore acquired. You’ll have less competition here because it’s not much of an open area as Hillsbrad is.
Timed: 30:00
Class: Druid
I’ve not tested the skinning route of this zone yet.
This route is rather short, touching base on some areas, without lingering in them long enough for a timed killing and looting spree. Because of that, it doesn’t seem like you get much cloth in this location, but if you’re wanting wool, it’s a fairly good place between stepping up from one cloth to the next.
Also, there were other spots that were either alliance-friendly or horde-friendly only and I skipped over them, as they weren’t suitable for both factions to farm.
- Linen Cloth – 105
- Silk Cloth – 23
- Wool Cloth – 105
Well this route certainly offers a variety of meat products, that’s for sure. The main focus, of course, being Stag Meat, since the stags are the most popular animal in the zone. It’s not a bad route, that’s for sure, especially if you’re just looking for different cooking supplies and not just one.
- Big Bear Meat – 27
- Crawler Claw – 20
- Crawler Meat – 19
- Crunchy Spider Leg – 24
- Gooey Spider Leg – 17
- Lean Wolf Flank – 20
- Small Spider Leg – 15
- Stag Meat – 60
- Thick-Shelled Clam – 22
Spider’s Silk
This is a very short route that focuses on killing all the spiders you can find, in order to obtain Spider’s Silk. This is vastly RNG related, as some days when I farm the route I get a decent chunk, while other times I barely get any.
I use the following macro, although if you’re on a different class, you’ll need to substitute the moonfire spell for another.
/tar Venom We
/tar Black Wi
/tar Leech St
/tar Cave St
/tar Domesticated
/tar Wildthorn St
/cast moonfire
- Small Spider Leg – 80
- Crunchy Spider Leg – 73
- Gooey Spider Leg – 79
- Large Venom Sac – 8
- Spider’s Silk – 15
Speaking of spiders, Amazon has a pair of kid’s spider shoes that squeak (I know, not very spiderly of them), but they’ve also got an on/off switch. |
These vendors sell special goods, meaning they’re limited supply. If someone buys one of these first, there’s a timer on when they’ll be back in stock. In no way does the list below show every vendor located in this zone.
Bhaldaran Ravenshade | Dagrun Ragehammer |
Dalria | Lardan |
Wik’Tar |
Ashenvale Part One
| Ashenvale Part Two
In this Ashenvale goldmaking section, I’ll be listing items I acquired as I leveled throughout the zone. While I don’t focus on the special vendor items you could obtain within the zone, there is a chance for them to fall from open world mob drops.
More specifically, you’re able to buy healing potions and such from vendors, but they’re also mob drops, therefore they’ll be in the goldmaking listing below.
| Armor