Altushka +, I don’t speak Russian, but it does have some tushies.

Okay, so obviously this is a Russian game and as such, I don’t really know some of the language they use, despite it being integrated into English. Maybe this is one of the reasons I didn’t like it, but there were definitely other reasons as well.

Where can you buy?


  • NSFW scenes are nice


  • 6 potentials, but only 3 qualify
  • Application from Scoofs is pointless
  • Interview process says the same thing
  • Spam click through four sections

Explanation to Negative Feedback

6 potentials, but only 3 qualify

Altushka +

I don’t understand why before releasing a game like this, that they couldn’t put more potential clients so they could decline a certain amount as unsuitable for the job. Instead, we have 6 potentials and only 3 get through. So not only do we have to wade through several lines of the same conversation given by the company’s AI six different times, but we only get 3 NSFW scenes.

For a game.

Forgive me, but who wants to play a NSFW game with only 3 women after going through all that work to hire them? I’d say not a whole lot of people, despite the scenes being pretty damn nice to watch.

Could be better. But they were pretty good, for how few there are.

Application from Scoofs is pointless

Altushka +

There’s a tab where you can see all the people who want a specific type of girl, but all it does is list one after another person that wants a chick. They write what they’re looking for one after another. And you can’t do a single damn thing to give them what they want.

You just have to deal with one after another filling up the tab.

Interview process says the same thing

Altushka +

Six potential female clients. These females do have their answers changed up a bit during the interview process, which is only natural because each girl would have to have unique answers. However, the company that does the interview asks the same thing in the almost same way each and every time which is so obnoxiously annoying to read over and over again.

I get you want to ask people the same things during an interview, but the interviewer isn’t a robot, they should be an actual person, so make them sound like an actual person.

Spam click through four sections

You start out in the first section which is just having sex with some clothes on. Once you breach the second section, the clothes come off. After the third section comes the climax, though it’s a bit anticlimactic and white stains just appear on the chick. And then you get to the fourth part which just completes the interview process.

In order to get to each of these sections, you have to click your mouse button repeatedly.

It’s not the most engaging of ways to increase the meter. But the mouse icon does turn into a little peter and squirts with each click, so at least that’s neat.

Explanation to Positive Feedback

NSFW scenes are nice

I said they’re nice, not that they’re great. There are definitely better scenes out there that offer a little bit more. I think my only qualm with the scenes is one in particular where the girl defies gravity and the guy’s package is a little too long. I mean, the AI is super generous to him in particular.

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