A Cruel Destiny is one of the quests within the game Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

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A Cruel Destiny Guide
Speak to Sigurd

Head into the tower and up the ladder to speak with Sigurd, which will trigger a cutscene and take you all the way into a battle with Kjotve the Cruel.
Kill Kjotve the Cruel
Phase one – Fisting
- He’s going to use a lot of red attacks that’ll grab you if you’re too close.
- Dodge toward the side to get behind him in order to attack.
- Roll backwards in order to shoot him with an arrow or two.
Phase two – Double axes
- His red attacks will swing the two axes around his body.
- Regular attacks can be parried if timed correctly.
- Arrows will sometimes be blocked by him.
Phase three – Body slinger
- Smaller fighting arena
- He’ll grab corpses and attack you with them.
- Normal attacks can be parried.
- Red attacks are his double axe body swing.
- There are plants around to help heal you.
After you’ve killed Kjotve you’ll enter a cutscene that reminds me some of the alternate worlds in Assassin’s Creed Origins after killing some of those head honchos. But you’ll get to have a small chat with Odin. Not every day that happens, eh?
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You know, Odin doesn’t look like such a badass when he’s stuck in a chibi form all miniaturized in scale. Sure he could probably still flick us all out of existence without any problem despite his cute looks and small stature, but he’s far less intimidating than the films and writings give him credit for when looking at this product.
I wonder if he’d buy it, just because it’s of him.
He’s vain, right?
And Synin gives you a lovely gift straight from Kjotve’s mouth.
Unlock the outer gate

You’ll need to wait until your men set up a ladder on the outer wall in order to get to the other side, because, obviously, you can’t get through the gate from this side.
Once over the wall, head into the area where the gate is and attack the locks to open it for your army.
Keep in mind while opening the gate, you can be attacked by the enemy. This animation doesn’t give you iframes.
Unlock the final gate
No need to wait for any ladders this time around. Instead, you can just climb up the walls and hop down the other side to again break the locks and open the door from the other side.
You’ll probably run into Woe-Bringer here. Might as well take him down–he’s wielding a 2H axe, so be mindful of his charging heavy attack.
Confront Gorm
Run straight ahead into the temple–you don’t even have to bother with the enemies at this point. Once inside, there’s a small cutscene and a fire will ignite. You’ll want to hop up ahead and climb up the pole behind the banner (I actually missed this the first time and had to run back around to try it again).
At the top, just run along the upper area and head out onto the temple roof to see Gorm running off.
Hop downward to have a chat with Sigurd.
A Cruel Destiny Rewards
- 3400 XP
- 40 Silver