Wingardium Leviosa is a quest within the game LEGO Harry Potter.
Recap time!
So you’ve got your wand, bird, and wizardly hat (though that’s not exactly needed), and now you’re on your way to board Platform 9 3/4–a platform that doesn’t even exist. But because you run into the Weasley family, you find a way on that train and also run into Hermione for a brief moment as she fixes your broken glasses that Ron clumsily broke.
Damnit, Ron.
After the train, you’re greeted by Hagrid who takes you all out by boat to Hogwarts, with Malfoy being childish in his boat.
You become sorted via the Sorting Hat, get acquainted with the dining hall, and…man I kind of wish this was some actual play time and not an entire clipped cutscene.
Welcome to the Gryffindor common rooms.
Wingardium Leviosa Guide
Aim at the cobwebs on the doorway to the right to get rid of them so you can leave the room.
Out of the bedroom, head right until there’s a cutscene of a dresser gobbling up a bunch of stuff. Clothes, I think? It’ll block the way once the cutscene’s over with.
Wand the backwards painting to flip it the right way. Wand it again to make the wizard’s pants fly off. This will move the dresser, because it’s hungry for more pantaloons.
Go through the doorway.
At this point you should notice there’s a trail of transparent studs you can follow. They’ll lead you in the right direction as far as story progression goes. So head left and go down the steps.
The stairway shifts as you come out, so your only choice is to head upwards. At the top, release Scabbers to go into the tunnel and ring the bell up top. The doors will open and Fluffy will bark at you, sending the wizard in the painting running downstairs. Head back that way and wave at the wizard in the painting as Harry to move the steps again.
At this point, just follow the transparent studs, as there’s nothing you really need to do in order to progress forward.
The hallway stops when you head into the professor’s classroom.
Wingardium Leviosa
Here’s where the fun starts, as you’re finally able to learn some spells instead of thinking how you wish you had Hagrid in your party to do tricks with all the objects around you.
While you’re on the ground floor, go right and use WL to lift the…heavyweight, I guess. (Here I go making up words for things I don’t know.) The claw will move out and grab hold of it so it doesn’t drop. Student [1/3] saved.
Go to the left side where you see a bunch of LEGO blocks of different colors against the wall. There’s a painting above it to show what you need to do, so lift the blocks one by one and set them in their proper position. Trust me, it’s a pain, but I don’t think they have to be perfect.
Jump up to the top and wand the painting. The guy has a headcrab on him that he’ll throw down in front of you. Don’t worry, it’s pretty much dead and in pieces. WL the broken creature into a claw machine, then WL the heavyweight to save Student [2/3].
On the very right there are some parts of a statue laying on the ground. WL the torso, the head, and then the spear and set them on the pedestal in that order. Now WL the heavyweight until the statue throws the spear under it. Student [3/3] saved.
Congrats! You’ve officially learned Wingardium Leviosa.
Leave the class.
You can tinker around with your new spell if you want, but follow the ghost studs to the main hall with the most activity regarding students.
Before you can get through the gate to the next area, you’ll need to stack the LEGO blocks in the correct order. Use the picture to understand the color format it wants. Once they’re stacked, they’ll lower and the doorway will open.
In this area, go to the oversized door where the professor is standing. There are LEGOs that need to be built onto the platform so use WL on them then go on through to the Great Dining Hall where feats are aplenty.