The Prophecy of Akida

The Prophecy of Akida is an interesting quest, given the obvious glitches, but also the chance of finding treasure chests!


Bandits! is a somewhat difficult quest to come by if you're not actively looking. It snuck up on me, but we'll tell you how to find and finish.

Find Acteon!

Quick, find Acteon immediately! Or take your time. The urgency in the title isn't a real thing. You're lugging fush over to this Acteon dude.

Gurf’s Dignity

Gurf's Dignity is an item-based quest, meaning you'll need to actually acquire the item in order to gain the quest. We give you the details inside.

Search Stillpine Hold

Sometimes with search quests, you'll simply need to reach a point for completion, but in Search Stillpine Hold, you must interact with a crystal.

Blood Crystals

You get the Blood Crystals from a giant crystal within the cave the crazed wildkins dwell. It's just a matter of taking what you need.