What If Your Girl Was A Frog, well then try not to croak while doing the leapfrog.
I’ve already played Kokonoe Kokoro, which was about basically romancing a grasshopper woman, so a lady dressed in a frog costume? Sure, why not? I’ve got some weird desires to play weird games, and this wouldn’t even top the list.
- Developed by Hunny Bunny Studio
- Published by Hunny Bunny Studio

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Is there a supporter’s playthrough of this game?
We’ll have it within our courses:
Title Screen
I can’t believe we’re actually treating the above image as the title screen, but fine. It’s what shows up after the start-up cinematic, even though it’s not exactly a title screen in the grand scheme of things.
The background itself consists of a small bedroom with a bed covered in strawberry sheets. Why strawberries? I’ve no idea. I honestly can’t really see a guy sleeping in a bed with strawberry bed covers unless he’s with a chick that chose the bedspread. If that’s the case…she might’ve been replaced by a frog, judging by this game.
He’s also got a monitor with a frog on the screen, so that’s a plus for our lady-friend.
Title Font
The title of this game shows up at the beginning intro animation scene, not the actual title screen, so we’re going to pretend it doesn’t exist, basically. Seeing as a lot of people don’t really want to watch the intro cinematics and want to get to the good stuff.
There’s not much of a menu, but you can see the icons in the upper right.
In order from left to right, you’ve got the gallery, settings–(which only consists of volume scrollers and a fullscreen or not box)–, and exit.

You can get 12 achievements from this game.
There was a frog. She was cheerfully croaking on her lake. However, she was not a simple frog, but magic. And so she got a lonely boy. She used her magic and started her adventures.
Game Length
Maybe 30 minutes? Depending on how long you want to stay on a specific screen, mind you.
Replay Value
The NSFW version of What If Your Girl Was A Frog is only obtained through the DLC after buying the game. Otherwise, you’ll just have five screens of SFW puzzles.
This is a puzzle in the generic sense. You’ve got pieces to place in their proper location, but their hexagonal-shaped.
At first I thought it was one of those puzzles where you have to switch pieces that are next to each other, but that’s not the case. You can literally choose one puzzle piece and move it wherever.
Speaking of moving, the background character(s) actually move while you’re piecing the puzzle together.
It’s a pleasant distraction, for sure.

Even though she’s wearing a frog costume, I enjoy how our main female character looks. She’s got a good body on her and she deserves to flaunt it.
The male though?
Yeah, the male needs work. He was kind of half-assed in the whole scheme of things.
Voice Acting
There’s no actual commentary, but there is the occasional giggle and moaning that our lady-frog does in specific scenes.
There are hand-drawn kind of scribble type of graphics upon choosing the first scene, where we get small image clips of how and why the female frog decided to become a human and stalk this seemingly random guy. I personally love the style. It’s not cell-shading and it’s not soft-shading, but a color dabbing of shading going on. Like shading with a spongey surface, let’s say.
I can’t recall what kind of shading it is, sorry!
But aside from these scenes, you get the main artwork which is soft-shading.
Like I said before, the girl looks fine–maybe in some scenes parts of her look a little lackluster or awkward (specifically her hands or even boobs if they’re in an awkward position), but I didn’t have too much a problem with her visuals.
The guy needs the most work here.
I understand people who play the game aren’t exactly focused on him, but at least put in some kind of effort to make him look nice. You could’ve placed a paper bag over his head and scribbled a frog face on it and he’d probably look better.
Background Music
I dug the soundtrack. Not in the totally vibing it kind of way, but it’s definitely something you can chill to and isn’t distracting when you’re focusing on…other things. I also don’t believe it’s the same music on repeat with every new scene you come across like some other games do, but the music does have the same style to it.
Sound Effects
Well of course you’re going to have the sound of wet slapping. Ahem.
But other sound effects you’ll come across is a cute little ribbit noise of the scene changeovers when you see the adorable hand-drawn frog.
Next to that the girl sometimes makes different sound effect. Like clicking your tongue against the roof of your mouth. It’s weird and I hated that noise, but it’s at the end of a SFW completed puzzle so I didn’t have to listen to it for long.
Final Thoughts
It’s definitely not a long game by any means, and it doesn’t offer any voice acting or text to read like visual novels, but this game’s meant to scratch that itch of yours. Specifically that froggy itch. Maybe not quite a furry community kind of game, though I don’t know. Are amphibians in there?
Like I said, it’s a weird itch, but sometimes people have it, and it’s got nothing to do with warts and everything to do with mackin’ with a frog.
In any case, I liked it.