The Path to Hogwarts is a quest within the game Hogwarts Legacy.
You’ve done it. You’ve grabbed one of the best games to be released at the beginning of 2023, and now you’re looking for the best guide to lead you in the right direction.
Well, I can’t promise that you’re on the right page, but I can hope I gave you something useful.
After you’ve created your character, you’re automatically standing beside a carriage that’s fit with all of the luggage you could possibly fit on the back of a magical vehicle. We talk with Professor Fig and find out that we haven’t had a lot of time to master a lot of spells, but the bare bones with a second-hand wand we’re basically a pro at wielding.
George Osric pops in as our get-together is complete and is a bit hush-hush and nervous about whatever Fig wants to talk about. So we pile into the carriage for some privacy.
If you didn’t know (and I’m sure you did), the carriage isn’t driving itself. There are several thestrals pulling it from the front, but because our character hasn’t witnessed death yet, they remain invisible.
A fresh mind to traumatize!
I won’t be going into full detail here, except the fact that we can see a glow on a container that neither one of the adults can seem to open. Lo and behold, it opens for us. Unfortunately, even though we saw a tattered wing in the clouds below our window, we didn’t say anything, and now you’ve got a dragon on your ass.
In fact, the dragon just ate George.
Full on Jurassic Park t-rex moment.
The interesting part of this occurrence is the fact that you can now see the thestrals pulling the cart, which automatically confirms that George did indeed die.
You and Fig manage to escape, the key being a portkey that teleports the both of you into a cave where you’re kinda sorta wounded. Just drink the wiggenweld potion and you’ll be good to go.
The Path to Hogwarts Guide
Follow Professor Fig
Just as the quest says, you’ll need to follow Professor Fig up until there’s a wall blocking your way.
Destroy the magical barrier
You only need to attack it three times with your wand’s most basic attack.
Follow Professor Fig
Yep, back to being a puppy following its master.
Once you’re across the windy area after Fig shows off with repairing the bridge, you’ll be more in control of what you want to do. Mainly, exploring the area.
Explore the ruins
Investigate the mural on the wall. The right side is a wizard looking through a telescope at the nighttime sky, but the left one looks like he just took a look at the worst tarot card, that’s currently face down in his hand.
I don’t think they’re actually tarot cards though, but rather symbols of some sort.
Turn around and on the right will be a statue you can investigate. The same wizard that seems to be portrayed on the mural. I guess that’s one way to claim your space–build a statue of yourself.
Run along to the backside path to investigate another wall.
Wake the goblin
Anyone who has watched the first Harry Potter movie might recognize this location–though with a lot fewer goblins working this time around. And the one at the desk seems to be asleep on the job.
I don’t know why Professor Fig resorts to clearing his throat in order to wake the goblin up, especially since he has to do it three times in order for it to work. Why not just yell a word? Scream about a fire or something. That’ll wake him.
Either way, he seems awfully happy to see you.
I bet you’ll also be happy to be on this rollercoaster of a fun ride all the way to Vault 12–only stopped once by a security checkpoint goblin who is sus.
Follow Professor Fig
Just walk up to the door for a cutscene, and then walk a few steps more for another cutscene.
Cast Revelio
This is the part where you get to learn how to cast spells. Or rather, how to first learn a spell in order to be able to cast it. Follow the route of the symbol while pressing the input buttons noted on the path.
After that, cast Revelio, and then walk closer to cast it again with more of an outcome.
Proceed into the vault
I wish the cutscene could’ve done this for us, but all you need to do is investigate the symbol.
Stay close to Professor Fig
I can’t tell you what will happen if you wander off into the dark–one would hope you could still see the light from Fig’s wand–but it’s best to just do as the game suggests and stick close.
Eventually you’ll come across a symbol on the ground to investigate.
Determine how to proceed
So now we have a reflection of a kneeling statue in front of us, but only we are able to see it. Time to change that.
Cast Revelio to allow Professor Fig to see the statue that appears aboveground. You’ll also notice the direction it faces depends on the one wielding the light. Which means you get to learn Lumos next!
The lumos sign is fairly simplistic, but it’s also a simplistic spell, I suppose.
Cast and hold Lumos
Lumos automatically appears on your lower right action bar, but in the future you’ll be able to swap it out with another spell whenever a shift in spells is needed. For now, cast Lumos.
Discover the statue’s secret
Walk in front of the statue until it starts standing up for a cutscene.
Surprise attack!
Not only that but you’ll find out you have another spell in your arsenal that will be crucial to your survival in this and future battles. So when the prompt comes up, cast Protego.
During the battle, cast Protego three different times when you see the orange symbol appear around your head.
Stay close to Professor Fig
Not that it’ll help you or him in doing so, but stay close nonetheless until the lights disappear completely.
Cast Lumos.
Find Professor Fig
There are lights guiding you to where you need to go in order to find him.
Interact with magic
Approach the glowing symbol on the ground and interact with it.
Activate the statues
Cast Lumos to reveal the statues around you. Move forward until all the connecting lines from the three statues are where you’re standing.
Attack them with your basic spell-casting until all three of them fall. More will appear and the game will bring you up to speed on a particular counter-attack you can use (the whole time, in fact), so it would benefit you greatly to not only block enemies, but keep the keybind pressed in order to counter them.
Find Professor Fig
Start following the lights again–only this time the game prompts you to use your sprint so you can get to where you’re going faster.
Trust me, you run fast.
Investigate the glowing symbol when you come across it and then go into the doorway where there’s another item to investigate.
Turns out the basin where you collected the item hovering over it is a Pensieve–something we’ve seen Dumbledore using before, as well as Harry when he really had no business doing so.
Anyway, the both of you take a trip down memory lane. When you back out of that memory, there’s an interruption as several goblins barge in unannounced. You’ll recognize both the banker at the podium and the sheriff of down under, but there are two new contenders.
The main bad guy, of course, being Ranrok.
You can tell he’s a bad guy because he has red eyes and shoulderpads that rival those in World of Warcraft.
A bit of verbal abuse happens, then spells are thrown. A gigantic statue rises from the floor and…is more of a distraction to the bad guys than a threat, because he seemed to be getting his ass whooped for being such a large opponent compared to them. Anyway, the good guys get away, of course and end up heading right into Hogwarts for the sorting hat ceremony!
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