In order to obtain the Christmas Eve achievement in Perky Little Things, there are 10 items you need to find first, and then when you place those 10 items in the appropriate places, you’ll complete it.

Where to find items in Christmas Eve in Metropolis

How to get the Christmas Eve Achievement in Perky Little Things
How to get the Christmas Eve Achievement in Perky Little Things

Not all the items you can find are located on the bottom bar in the screenshots. Within the game you can use the arrows to see all of them.

  • Magic wand – located on the bottom window sill near the guy spray-painting on the building
  • Cream pie – bottom left apartment on the table beside the party-goers
  • Unlicensed booze – on the table between the two people having dinner on the right side
  • Orange and sounds like a parrot – sticking out of the snowman on the roof on the right side
  • Meat substitute – in the apartment where people are being filmed, in front of the little Christmas tree
  • Pet collar – around the woman’s neck that’s riding a dude’s backside while her “husband” is looking at them from the entrance
  • Weeds – from the same apartment as above, taken from the man looking at the “wife” and man
  • Inflatable doll – sticking out of Santa’s bag on the roof in front of the reindeer
  • Pink panties – stuck on the Christmas tree on the left side
  • Black snake – on the wall, top right, beside the woman hanging from cuffs

Where to place items in Christmas Eve in Metropolis

How to get the Christmas Eve Achievement in Perky Little Things
How to get the Christmas Eve Achievement in Perky Little Things

Some of the locations may be hard to see if you’re zoomed out too far, so make sure to zoom in from time to time within the game.

  • Magic wand – place it on the woman in front of her computer screen with the orange door slightly ajar, to the left of the boy listening in
  • Cream pie – give the cream pie to the boy next door to the previous location
  • Unlicensed booze – hand this to the man with a brown coat, watching his woman with dog ears riding on top another man
  • Orange and sounds like a parrot – give this to the people who are tied up by elves in green clothing
  • Meat substitute – give it to the woman soaking in the bathtub
  • Pet collar – place it on the dog sitting on the street by a building
  • Weeds – hand these to the reindeer on top of the roof
  • Inflatable doll – give this to the guy sitting alone on his couch near the upper part of the apartment building
  • Pink panties – give this to the man hanging outside of the building on the far right with hardly any clothes on
  • Black snake – give this to the guy laying alone in his bed at the top apartment room