My Breast Friend Sally, among other friends that aren’t quite breasties.
I’m not huge on farmers or their southern twang. The sound of it really grates on my nerves–sorry southern folk, but it’s true. I’m a sucker for accents, just not…yours.
With that being said, I had no idea this game was fully voiced, and I did quite enjoy the game throughout even if that was the case, because some of it was a bit over the top and humorous. I also don’t condone banging horses, even if they do stand on two legs.
Just…getting that out there.
Where can you buy?
- Available on Steam
- Fully voiced
- Well-drawn artwork
- Lines can be repetitive
- Some achievements difficult to obtain
- Photos need more flavor
Explanation to Negative Feedback
Lines can be repetitive
This is probably one thing that visual novels fall into a pit of. It’s like when it comes to dirty talk, there’s really not a ton to say, and what there is to say, is repeated. And I get that happens in reality, but…I don’t know, in a game it’s more annoying, maybe? Like you notice it a lot more than when you’re actually in the moment.
Some achievements difficult to obtain
This normally wouldn’t be a con for me, but because of the areas you need to click on have such a small window to click–with possibly other objects blocking that one spot you need to click, thus making you not realize it’s something click-able, is a little aggravating.
Keep in mind that all achievements work. You just have to find the proper areas to click on.
Photos need more flavor
During the gameplay, you can click on certain locations in the environment and obtain different photos. These photos don’t really change all that much. It’s Sally, but sometimes a photo will be just of her wearing a hat, or a background change or different clothing.
It’s not like she’s in different poses in different settings, the way you would think different photos would show.
It’s a little disappointing, overall.
Explanation to Positive Feedback
Fully voiced
It’s not often you get a fully voiced VN, so this was a nice surprise. The characters’ voices fit them, they’ve got their sensuality, and they’ve got their humor.
Well-drawn artwork
Like, some serious confetti thrown around for the artist(s) on this VN. I absolutely love the slight sketchiness of the work and the amount of detail put into the characters.