Monster Girl Dormitory, you’re doing what with your sister?
This game just reminds you that not everything is spoken to the best of a translation’s ability, and you should at least expect some level of cringe. I’m not sure what caused me to buy this, other than the idea of girls that were monsters sounded interesting.
They’re kind of low-key monsters, honestly.
I was disappointed.
- Developed by Cartoon Game
- Published by Cartoon Game

- No longer available on Steam
Is there a supporter’s playthrough of this game?
Indeed there is; almost 2.5 hours of ASMR voicing terribly translated lines before the game itself was removed from Steam.
If you’re interested in seeing more of the same, check out our NSFW section!
Who is this game for?
Explanation to Negative Feedback
Caution with triggers
Due to the translation of the game being utter garbage, there are mentions of rape and sodomy. I don’t believe what they’re saying is what the translation is implying as “sister” in Japanese is more along the lines of someone you care for. So…the female characters aren’t technically the “sister” of the guy and “rape” is probably not taking without consent.
But hell, maybe it is, because sometimes you just don’t really see the consent.
Regular game is too short
If you buy the main game, then you’re only going to be able to check out storylines of a couple characters. And there won’t be any NSFW material. You’d be buying the game for around 5-10 minutes of gameplay and that’s it.
Which means you’ll need to also get the DLC for the game, because that’s what opens up the NSFW bits to all characters.
Terrible translation
As mentioned above, there are key phrases such as rape involved in some of the storylines. Also the male could call the female “sister.” If you don’t like either of these things, I don’t think you should try this game out.
Not to mention, sometimes the females are labeled as “he” instead of “she.” Like, what in the world?
Explanation to Positive Feedback
Variety of women
There are 10 girls in total that you can check out these comics on, which is probably the only good thing about this game.
Links Worth Checking Out
- Nothing here
20 achievements on Steam
“Monster Girl Dormitory” is a game of one-stroke connection and decryption. After unlocking the seal of each character, you can get the plot content by putting it into the law array.
Game Length
An hour or two maybe?
Replay Value
Monster Girl Dormitory Review
I don’t know how I managed to read through this game, especially reading out loud for my ASMR listeners. There was so much not right going on, what with swapped genders and labels of sister and speaking of rape. Of course, you need to take in the concept that the translation is terribly off. One thing to us might not be the same thing to them, especially since we have so many words in the English language.
The only gray area that I can point out is the artwork.
While it’s not the greatest art for visual novels, it’s not terrible. There are scenes where things look a bit wonky, but you get the gist of what’s going on and that’s going to primarily be your focus point.
Initially when I bought the game, I didn’t get the DLC.
Don’t be like me. Purchase the game, then get the DLC before you start playing. Otherwise you’ll only get a couple storylines that won’t show you the good stuff and you’ll complain with the other Steam reviewers about not seeing any nooky. It’ll just be your fault and you’ll look like a fool.
Now, before you can read a girl’s storyline, you’ll have to complete a little game for every girl. This game consists of you moving from one spot to the end destination while going through the entire path. It’s a weird explanation, and I apologize, but you’ll get it. They’re all simple. I guess the devs wanted us to put at least a little effort into wanting to know a girl’s sexual encounter.
Man…good luck with reading Monster Girl Dormitory, if you do give it a chance.