Thank you for your interest in TGEXP’s In-Depth WoW Herbalism Guide.
This guide is updated for patch 8.3
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Below are some of the questions you might be asking regarding the Herbalism profession, and the answers that I’ve come up with for them.
What’s in this WoW Herbalism Guide?
It primarily focuses on the herbalism routes of every zone (unless they don’t have a good route).
It’s short and sweet, telling you how much of what herbs I’ve gathered in a given area within a set time limit. Most of the herbs in question will lead you directly to the material page on my website. This goes the same for the zone names.
Due to this guide getting a refresher, a lot of that isn’t available yet, however.
Where do you get Herbalism?
Before you get started with this profession, you’ll be needing the profession. So here’s a list of the different trainers you can find throughout the world. The links will take you to WoWHead pages.
Continent: Eastern Kingdoms
- [Dun Morogh] Wembil Taskwidget
- [Elwynn Forest] Herbalist Pomeroy
- [Elwynn Forest] Lien Farner
- [Eversong Woods] Botanist Tyniarrel
- [Eversong Woods] Saren
- [Gilneas] Jack “All-Trades” Derrington
- [Hillsbrad Foothills] Aranae Venomblood
- [Ironforge] Reyna Stonebranch
- [Loch Modan] Kali Healtouch
- [Northern Stranglethorn] Angrun
- [Redridge Mountains] Alma Jainrose
- [Silvermoon City] Botanist Nathera
- [Stormwind City] Shylamiir
- [Stormwind City] Tannysa
- [The Cape of Stranglethorn] Flora Silverwind
- [Tirisfal Glades] Faruza
- [Tirisfal Glades] Nedric Sallow
- [Tirisfal Glades] Therisa Sallow
- [Tirisfal Glades] William Saldean
- [Undercity] Martha Alliestar
- [Wetlands] Telurinon Moonshadow
Continent: Kalimdor
- [Azuremist Isle] Heur
- [Azuremist Isle] Valn
- [Bloodmyst Isle] Morae
- [Darnassus] Firodren Mooncaller
- [Durotar] Mishiki
- [Durotar] Runda
- [Dustwallow Marsh] Brant Jasperbloom
- [Feralas] Ruw
- [Moonglade] Malvor
- [Mulgore] Lalum Darkmane
- [Orgrimmar] Jandi
- [Orgrimmar] Muraga
- [Teldrassil] Iranis Shadebloom
- [Teldrassil] Malorne Bladeleaf
- [The Exodar] Cemmorhan
- [Thunder Bluff] Komin Winterhoof
- [Un’Goro Crater] Ryno Bloomfield
Continent: Northrend
- [Borean Tundra] Kirea Moondancer
- [Borean Tundra] Tansy Wildmane
- [Dalaran] Dorothy Egan
- [Howling Fjord] Fayin Whisperleaf
- [Sholazar Basin] Dani Earthtouch
Continent: Outland
- [Hellfire Peninsula] Rorelien
- [Hellfire Peninsula] Ruak Stronghorn
- [Shattrath City] Jijia
Continent: Pandaria
- [Kun-Lai Summit] Master Marshall
- [The Jade Forest] Grower Miao
- [The Jade Forest] Orchard Keeper Li Mei
- [The Jade Forest] Shokia
- [Valley of the Four Winds] Han Flowerbloom
Continent: Other
- [The Lost Isles] KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe
- [The Wandering Isle] Elder Oakpaw
- [The Wandering Isle] Whittler Dewei
Continent: Draenor
- [Gorgrond] Lohor
- [Stormshield] Jie Wildblossom
- [Warspear] Anthony Allain
Continent: The Broken Isles
- [Dalaran] Kuhuine Tenderstride
- [Thunder Totem] Sprig Hashhoof
- [Val’shara] Wildcrafter Osme
How do you find herbs?
Got your Herbalism profession? Great! On your minimap, there’s an icon you can click that’ll extend a dropdown menu. Find and check ‘Find Herbs’ and you’re good to go!
What professions benefit Herbalism?
You can get any profession you want, but the two that go great with this profession are either Alchemy or Inscription.
What are the best races for Herbalism?
- Druids will help you farm because you won’t leave flight form.
- Taurens will provide you with a racial bonus for flower-picking speed.
- Demon Hunters are nice for indoor use (such as caves and dungeons), regarding their speed at getting around.
What addons should I get for Herbalism?
I highly recommend Gathermate2 and WoWGatheringNodes. They’re two addons that coexist with one another in order to show you all the locations of the different herbs of the world. I also use both FarmHUD and Routes.
Why are there missing expansions?
Either it’s because I’ve been slacking, or because I’m reworking this entire page, which means going through every zone and farming each location for 30 minutes to gather data.
If you find something else missing or wrong, feel free to contact me via contact[at]tgexp[dot]com.
Herbalism Aids
These will come in handy while you’re herbing, but they aren’t all specifically needed. They’ll make your gathering life a little bit easier.
- “Carriage – Going Green” Herb Tote Bag
- “Carriage – Xandera” Student’s Satchel
- Burnished Inscription Bag
- Cenarion Herb Bag
- Emerald Bag
- Herb Pouch
- Hyjal Expedition Bag
- Mycah’s Botanical Bag
- Pack of Endless Pockets
- Royal Scribe’s Satchel
- Satchel of Cenarius
- Scribe’s Satchel
- Enchant Gloves – Advanced Herbalism
- Enchant Gloves – Herbalism
- Enchant Gloves – Kul Tiran Herbalism
- Enchant Gloves – Legion Herbalism
- Enchant Gloves – Zandalari Herbalism
- Bear Tartare – Faster movement when farming indoors.
- Darkmoon Firewater
Herbalism Essentials
The books are what you’re going to need in order to start herbing in specific continents. The techniques are extremely beneficial to Legion herbalism–the higher-ranked the technique, the better benefits.
- Herbalism Technique: Aethril (Rank 1)
- Herbalism Technique: Aethril (Rank 2)
- Herbalism Technique: Aethril (Rank 3)
- Herbalism Technique: Astral Glory (Rank 1)
- Herbalism Technique: Astral Glory (Rank 2)
- Herbalism Technique: Astral Glory (Rank 3)
- Herbalism Technique: Dreamleaf (Rank 1)
- Herbalism Technique: Dreamleaf (Rank 2)
- Herbalism Technique: Dreamleaf (Rank 3)
- Herbalism Technique: Felwort (Rank 1)
- Herbalism Technique: Felwort (Rank 2)
- Herbalism Technique: Felwort (Rank 3)
- Herbalism Technique: Fjarnskaggl (Rank 1)
- Herbalism Technique: Fjarnskaggl (Rank 2)
- Herbalism Technique: Fjarnskaggl (Rank 3)
- Herbalism Technique: Foxflower (Rank 1)
- Herbalism Technique: Foxflower (Rank 2)
- Herbalism Technique: Foxflower (Rank 3)
- Herbalism Technique: Starlight Rose (Rank 1)
- Herbalism Technique: Starlight Rose (Rank 2)
- Herbalism Technique: Starlight Rose (Rank 3)
Herb Locations
While you’ll be getting the basic routes for the zones below, some zones don’t have a good farming route for a singular profession. In that case, I combine routes for both Herbalism and Mining. These special routes are only available in my World of Warcraft Farming Routes guide. |
As you read this section of the Herbalism guide, you’ll find the links to various herbs you can acquire. The links will take you to the freebie pages that tell you about the mats in question.
This section is to keep everything in front of you, so you can find what you’re looking for and the information you need. Such as the best place for an item without an overload of information.
- These routes were timed for 30 minutes on a Horde Druid (unless stated otherwise).
Vanilla WoW
Arthas’ Tears
Black Lotus
There is no actual route to create for Black Lotus, as they are super rare. Instead, you have a chance of finding them in the zones below. Keep in mind that some routes might skip over Black Lotus sightings as they weren’t designed to gather one specific herb.
- Blasted Lands (Map)
- Eastern Plaguelands (Map)
- Silithus (Map)
- Winterspring (Map)
- Darkshore (Map)
- 124
- Hillsbrad Foothills (Map)
- 224
Dragon’s Teeth
- Durotar (Map)
- 118
- Teldrassil (Map)
- 121
- Burning Steppes (Map)
- 105
- Tanaris (Map)
- 101
- Searing Gorge
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 76
Ghost Mushroom
Golden Sansam
- Silithus (Map)
- 72
- Swamp of Sorrows (Map)
- 158
Grave Moss
- Winterspring (Map)
- 310
Khadgar’s Whisker
- Western Plaguelands (Map)
- 101
- Eastern Plaguelands (Map)
- 113
- Azshara
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 77
- Darkshore (Map)
- 168
- Hillsbrad Foothills (Map)
- 280
- Northern Barrens
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 120
Mountain Silversage
- Winterspring (Map)
- 142
- Durotar (Map)
- 167
- Mulgore (Map)
- 122
- Teldrassil (Map)
- 169
Purple Lotus
- Durotar (Map)
- 137
- Mulgore (Map)
- 124
- Teldrassil (Map)
- 183
- Swamp of Sorrows (Map)
- 230
- Thousand Needles (Map)
- 167
Wild Steelbloom
The Burning Crusade
Ancient Lichen
Dreaming Glory
Fel Lotus
Mana Thistle
Nightmare Vine
- Shadowmoon Valley (Map)
- 66
Wrath of the Lich King
Adder’s Tongue
- Sholazar Basin (Map)
- 253
- Borean Tundra (Map)
- 55
- Borean Tundra (Map)
- 70
- Grizzly Hills
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 116
- Sholazar Basin (Map)
- 80
Fire Leaf
- Borean Tundra (Map)
- 109
Frost Lotus
- Borean Tundra (Map)
- 11
- Borean Tundra (Map)
- 12
- Grizzly Hills
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 17
- Sholazar Basin (Map)
- 17
- Borean Tundra (Map)
- 130
- Grizzly Hills
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 167
- Howling Fjord
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 111
- Icecrown
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 96
- Icecrown (Map)
- 131
- The Storm Peaks (Map)
- 107
- Icecrown (Map)
- 115
- The Storm Peaks (Map)
- 112
Talandra’s Rose
- Zul’Drak (Map)
- 218
Tiger Lily
- Borean Tundra (Map)
- 100
- Borean Tundra (Map)
- 104
- Grizzly Hills
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 137
- Sholazar Basin (Map)
- 154
Azshara’s Veil
- Abyssal Depths
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 121
- Mount Hyjal
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 235
- Mount Hyjal (Map)
- 311
- Uldum (Map)
- 113
- Abyssal Depths
The map for this data combines both herb and mining into one route. These routes are only available to those who purchase my In-Depth Farming Guide.- 145
Twilight Jasmine
- Twilight Highlands (Map)
- 131
- Uldum (Map)
- 233
Mists of Pandaria
The information below is based on having the Mist-Piercing Goggles on hand.